Family Record
Died [Handwritten]
Mary Emma Beerbower
June 29th 1880 Aged
9 weeks, 5 days
Brightwood, Ind.
[Anna Missouri & Edgar P. Beerbower’s daughter born April 22, 1880.]
Mrs. Anna Springsteen
April 17 1887 aged 64 years
Cairo Ill
[Anna Missouri’s mother, Anna Conner, wife of Jefferson Springsteen. Died while staying with her daughter Anna Missouri.]
Willie Beerbower died
Feb 15 1889 at Cairo Ill.
[Son born the day before, Feb. 14. Anna was about 35 when she had Willie.]
Robert Warson Beerbower
Died Sept 17th 1900 Denver Colo
Wednesday 2 a.m.
[First son who was b. 1874; only 26 years old at death.]
Roberta Pearl Beerbower
Rob’s little baby born Oct 16th– 1900 Tuesday
Indianapolis Ind
522 Buchanan St.
[Daughter born to Robert Warson Beerbower, child of Anna Missouri- this is NOT a death! Roberta was born about a month after her father died. She lived to be 91, and she was a close cousin to Mary Helbling McMurray during the 30s and 40s.]
Ed. P. Beerbower
Died Jan [20?] 1916 Thursday a.m.
Burial Monday Jan 24, 1916 Lot #202 Sec 32
Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Ind.
[Edgar P. Beerbower, husband of Anna M. Beerbower, b. 1849.]
NOTE: Miscellaneous papers from the Beerbower Family Bible will be posted 1/6/15 and 1/7/15.
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Beerbower family bible.
2) Springsteen and Beerbower Family Group Records compiled over many years using bibles, census, and other data.
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