Last Monday our Mystery Monday: Emelia and Aunt Lizzie post included the above image in hope of someone seeing it and being able to help us solve the mystery of Emelie and Aunt Lizzie and how they fit into the family. We now think we have a solution, although we do not know for sure who each of the persons are in the photograph- yet.
Trolling through my family tree to try and find an “Emelie” was fruitless, but “Lizzie” was a hit: Elizabeth “Lizzy” Barbara Helbling surfaced after I had entered some data from old notes, specifically some from cousin Mary Lou, who did so much great Helbling research back in the days before the internet, and was so generous in sharing it.
Lizzy was born 25 Feb 1839 in Lawrenceville, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, to Franz Xavier Helbling and Mary Theresa Knipshield. Lizzy was therefore the sister of Franz X. Helbling, Jr., thus the aunt of ‘our’ Gerard William “G.W.” Helbling, son of Franz. The photo album belonged to G.W. and his wife, Anna May Beerbower Helbling, so she would have been “Aunt Lizzy” to May who was putting the captions in the album.
I thought the image was probably taken in the 1930s, but Aunt Lizzy died 25 Dec 1928, so it would have to be sometime in the 20s. She is likely the very elderly woman on the right in the photo, since she was listed as age 81 in the 1920 US Federal Census, and died at age 89.
If this was taken in Peoria, she was a pretty spry lady- she was living in Pittsburgh, PA in 1920 so would have probably taken the train to Peoria in her 80s. Spry also with sitting on the ground for the picture and possibly a picnic- getting up might have been hard!
So who then is Emelie? Emelie is the daughter-in-law of Lizzy, as Emelie married, probably in 1892, Frederick A. J. Spahn, the son of Lizzy and John Spahn. Emelia/Amelia was listed as a Practical Nurse in the 1920 US Federal Census, so she may have traveled with her mother-in-law as Emelia and Frederick were living in Lizzy’s household in 1920 in Pittsburgh. (How convenient to have a nurse around for someone 80 years old!) Emelie L. Heidemann was the daughter of Hermann and Louise Heidemann, born about 1840 and 1843, respectively, in Germany.
Researching Emelie in the census was challenging at first, since her given name was spelled so many ways, and I did not have a maiden name. Thankfully an tree did have a maiden name, so searching using that last name as a clue, I was able to find her family. Her death certificate confirmed her maiden name, as it listed Hermann Heideman as her father, and that she was the widow of Fred J. Spahn.
Emelie was born in 1870, so would have been 50 in 1920. She might be the woman on the right in the dark dress, or the upper left with glasses. Fred is not listed in the caption in the photo album, so he may not have come on the trip- or could have been the photographer! (He died in 1837.) We will need to find a photo of both of them, and one of Lizzie, to try to match up images and identify these folks. Hopefully someone else out there has this same photo with identification. Please let us know if you are a Spahn or Helbling relative!
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Emelie Heidemann in the 1880 US Federal Census- Year: 1880; Census Place: Saint Louis, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: 722; Family History Film: 1254722; Page: 655D; Enumeration District: 100; Image: 0738; via
2) 1920 US Federal Census for Elizabeth “Lizzie” Barbara Helbling Spahn Bushman- Year: 1920; Census Place: Pittsburgh Ward 26, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; Roll: T625_1526; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 739; Image: 1122; via
3) Family photo album.
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July 4th, 1916, probably dawned hot and muggy in St. Louis, Missouri. Of course, with the amazing internet we could probably check the temperature and any rainfall that day, but why? It is hot and muggy all summer in St. Louis. Always.
I ramble, of course, hence the most appropriate blog name.
The Helbling family celebrated Independence Day like so many Americans then and now, with a picnic in the park. And we are very lucky that they documented it with a camera and scrapbook- plus a caption!
The above gentlemen playing cards in the shade most probably include Gerard William “G.W.” Helbling on the right in front. We are not sure who the other folks are- Friends? Associates? Neighbors? (None of these folks are listed near the Helblings in the 1910 or 1920 census, so likely not near neighbors.) They do all have good German names as a connection.
(NOTE: None of these images have specific captions in the photo album, other than the above date and family names. Thus all the identifications in this post are educated guesses from looking at a lot of family pictures and comparing dates. If you happen to know anything different, dear reader, please let us know. )
The lovely ladies of the group, plus one gentleman, posed looking a bit more demure than the card-players:
July 4th, 1916 Picnic with the Helblings, Diels, Klohrs, and Sennewalds.
It is most likely that the woman on the right is Anna May Beerbower Helbling.
The location, while we are not sure about it being St. Louis, is probably correct because:
a) That is where the Helblings lived (3932 St. Louis Ave in 1910, 5168 Page in 1920), and
b) This lovely picnic-goer:
July 4th, 1916 Picnic with the Helblings, Diels, Klohrs, and Sennewalds.
Shown on the same scrapbook page, this vegetarian is generally not found throughout the midwest. S/he was probably a guest of the St. Louis Zoo, which is a part of the beautiful Forest Park. The Helblings lived nearby and we have quite a few pictures that were taken in the park.
Apparently there were nine children amongst the four families, and they probably were full of energy and fun throughout the day, though the little ones probably did get hot and tired. While they were still going, they played Ring Around the Rosie, holding hands and circling to a nursery rhyme known around Europe and the US, but first printed in 1881:
Ring-a-round the rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!
We all fall down.
July 4th, 1916 Picnic with the Helblings, Diels, Klohrs, and Sennewalds. Ring Around the Rosie.
And down they would all go onto the ground, their pretty clothes full of grass stains and dirt by the end of the day, but they would have had fun in that simpler time. We won’t talk about how the boys usually yanked the others or girls too would take younger siblings down in a fairly rough way- that was just being a kid back then. Toughen up, the fathers would have said. The moms would have hugged the little ones crying, admonished the older to take care of their younger siblings, and sent them back to play to toughen up. Different times.
One of the two older boys was probably Edgar Helbling, then almost 8- he looks like the boy on the right, but other pictures indicate who I think of as Edgar as being the second tallest in the group, so not sure on this ID. Edgar’s 5 year old sister May is on the right, and she was holding on to their little sister Viola, who would have been 3. They both had the big bows so popular then, as did some of the other girls.
Somehow they did manage to corral the kids to take a couple of posed photos:
July 4th, 1916 Picnic with the Helblings, Diels, Klohrs, and Sennewalds.
Very likely Edgar Helbling in back on right, and (Anna) May Helbling on right in front, her sister Viola Helbling on front, second from left.
July 4th, 1916 Picnic with the Helblings, Diels, Klohrs, and Sennewalds.July 4th, 1916 Picnic with the Helblings, Diels, Klohrs, and Sennewalds.
In this picture, the tallest boy looks like Edgar, so maybe he is the one holding his sister’s hand in the Ring Around the Rosie picture. Little Vi is the cute one on the right, and her sister May the second to her left. It is hard to tell with these grainy, sometimes out-of-focus pictures, but still, it is a delight to be able to time-travel back to a happy holiday with our ancestors!
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Helbling family photo album.
2) Folklorists now say the rhyme “Ring Around the Rosie” did not originate during the plague years, just FYI.
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1904 St. Louis World’s Fair Metal Machinery Hall Souvenir Tray. (Click to enlarge.)
Trays and plates were common and popular souvenirs of the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. These could be displayed on a bric-a-brac shelf, used for mints or candies, or placed on a dressing table, where the owner would be reminded of the enjoyable time they had at the Fair.
(Again, I apologize for the quality of the pictures.)
1904 St. Louis World’s Fair Goofus Glass Plate Souvenir- Festival Hall and Cascade Gardens. (Click to enlarge.)
Yes, this is really called ‘Goofus Glass.” Here is the reverse, so you can see the painting:
1904 St. Louis World’s Fair Goofus Glass Plate Souvenir- Festival Hall and Cascade Gardens- reverse. (Click to enlarge.)
Many of the metal trays were finished to look like copper, which was very popular during the Arts & Crafts/Craftsman movement prevalent during the early 1900s.
1904 St. Louis World’s Fair-Round Metal Tray Souvenir-7 Fair Buildings. (Click to enlarge.)1904 St. Louis World’s Fair-Round Metal Tray Souvenir-7 Fair Buildings. Left: Palace of Machinery. Top: Cascade Gardens and Terrace States. (Click to enlarge.)1904 St. Louis World’s Fair-Round Metal Tray Souvenir-7 Fair Buildings. Center: Louisiana Purchase Monument. Right: Palace of Liberal Arts. Top: Cascade Gardens and Terrace States. (Click to enlarge.)1904 St. Louis World’s Fair-Round Metal Tray Souvenir-7 Fair Buildings. From left: Palace of Varied Industries, Louisiana Purchase monument on top, Union Station below; and Palace of Electricity on right. (Click to enlarge.)1904 St. Louis World’s Fair-Round Metal Tray Souvenir-7 Fair Buildings. Left top: Palace of Machinery. Left bottom: Palace of Varied Industries. (Click to enlarge.)
I hope that you have enjoyed this series that looks back to the souvenirs that our ancestors might have purchased during their trip to the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. They would have enjoyed the memories of their time at the Fair for many years, reinforced by these objects that would have a place of honor in their home. Our ancestors were probably in awe of all the wonderful things they saw at the Fair that looked forward to the technology of the future- they would be amazed at how much farther our world has progressed, far beyond imagination!
2) Purchased artifacts, not our family heirlooms, in author’s collection.
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This photo was found in the Helbling Family photo album. It may have been taken in the 1930s. It is not apparent who Emelia and Aunt Lizzie are, but evidently they were related to either Helblings (or possibly Beerbowers).
Not sure where the Peoria, Illinois association is from- unsure if it was told to me when I scanned the photo or if images nearby were labeled as Peoria. I do not know of family living in Peoria, but that will be another mystery to solve.
Anyone with information about this photo, please leave a comment or use the “Contact Us” tab to send us a message.
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Helbling family photo album.
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Souvenir of 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair-Letter opener-front. (Click to enlarge.)
Commemorating the Louisiana Purchase Centennial was the theme for many World’s Fair souvenirs. This letter opener has an image of the Cascade Gardens, but also a beautiful eagle, symbol of America. Native Americans are depicted on front and back, and a globe joins the handle and blade, reminding us that the Lewis & Clark Expedition traversed the huge expanse of the lands of the Louisiana Purchase.
[Again, I apologize for the quality of the images. These items are hard to photograph, especially at night.]
Souvenir of 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair-Letter opener-back. (Click to enlarge.)
Souvenirs might have sentimental meaning in later years, an opportunity to recall pleasant times with family and friends (or perhaps, with NO family or friends around). Many souvenirs held a special place in the home, whether one kept them for oneself or gave them as a gift to the neighbor who fed the dog while one was off traveling, or to a family member who had to stay home. Anna May Beerbower Helbling was one of the latter. May collected silver spoons, and many people brought them to her from many places, since she could not travel in her later years. She had leg ulcers and was often bedridden- the family thinks she probably had diabetes, in the days before insulin. She may have benefitted from the introduction of insulin in 1921 when she was 40 years old, as family remembers her beloved husband G. W. Helbling giving her injections, but the damage of diabetes may have already been done. The lack of good antibiotics at the time also likely compromised her health.
1904 Louisiana Exposition Souvenir- Spoons. (Click to enlarge.)
Often silver plate so they were more affordable to the middle class, collectible spoons were common souvenirs around the country, and at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair as well. The spoons in these images were purchased, not a legacy of May Beerbower Helbling. Her collection as I know it did not include a World’s Fair spoon, though she did collect before that date so maybe that spoon ended up with another family member. (It seems strange for her to not have one, but she was a newlywed that year and money may have been very tight.)
1904 Louisiana Exposition Souvenir- Spoons- Palace of Liberal Arts. (Click to enlarge.)1904 Louisiana Exposition Souvenir- Spoons- Palace of Transportation. (Click to enlarge.)1904 Louisiana Exposition Souvenir- Spoons- Palace of Electricity. (Click to enlarge.)1904 Louisiana Exposition Souvenir- Spoons_reverse. Cascade Gardens at the top, and Louisiana Purchase Monument below. Marked “U.S. Silver Co.” (Click to enlarge.)
Some World’s Fair spoons were a finer quality, and sterling silver, such as this one produced by Mermod-Jaccard, a fine jeweler in St. Louis.
1904 Louisiana Exposition Souvenir- Spoons- Cascade Gardens; Sterling from Mermod-Jaccard, a St. Louis fine jeweler. (Click to enlarge.)1904 Louisiana Exposition Souvenir- Spoons- Cascade Gardens; Sterling from Mermod-Jaccard, a St. Louis fine jeweler. (Click to enlarge.)1904 Louisiana Exposition Souvenir- Spoons- Cascade Gardens; Sterling from Mermod-Jaccard, a St. Louis fine jeweler. (Click to enlarge.)
Hatpins were another useful souvenir of the fair. Both hair and hats were very big at that time, and the hatpin would hold the hat on through fairly big winds, since it went through the hat, the big hair, then the hat again (sometimes). Having a souvenir hatpin showed folks back home that you were a well-travelled lady.
Souvenir of 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair-2 enamel hatpins. (Click to enlarge.)
These hatpins are enameled, and some of the enamel has come off of the fleur-de-lis hatpin, a symbol of the French settlement of St. Louis and surrounding areas. The red, white, and blue of the pennant reflect the French flag that flew over St. Louis for so many years; the fleur-de-lis sported those colors originally too.
Hatpins became a favorite collectible of mine because of a story told about Anna May Beerbower, discussed above. May was born in 1881, and was probably in her later teens before she started dating. May had gone on a date to a movie, possibly circa 1897-1903, which would have been a silent movie with an organist providing appropriate music for the action. The lights went down and the couple settled in to enjoy the movie. May felt a hand wander to her knee, which was covered by her long dress of the time. She moved the hand gently, since she was a gentle woman who could never even kill a bug. The hand, as male hands are wont to do, returned soon after to her innocent knee. May calmly took the hatpin out of her hat and stabbed the errant hand with it. The movie was finished in silence by the two of them, with hands in their appropriate places. She did not go out with him again.
Souvenir of 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair-2 enamel hatpins.
May and G.W. married in 1904, so I like to think of the two sweethearts strolling through the fair. Maybe G.W. bought her a hatpin such as one of these. They also took friends to the Fair, and there is, somewhere in my treasure chest (but not in my digital images), a letter from their friends, thanking them for the enjoyable visit and tour of the World’s Fair.
Watch fobs would have been very useful souvenirs, too, that also showed one’s sophistication in travel and looking forward to the future, as was the Fair’s theme.
Souvenir of 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair-Watch Fob-front. (Click to enlarge.)
The French fleur-de-lis is seen in the top panel, the Palace of Machinery is next, with the impressive Cascade Gardens below. A U.S. shield with 1904 to denote year of the Fair, and the round medal at the bottom promoted the centennial of the Louisiana Purchase. “1803” is on the left, “1903” on the right. Uncle Sam is on the left with the US Capitol in the background, and France on the right with her Eiffel Tower in the background, handing over the signed Louisiana Purchase documents. (The Fair was planned for 1903 originally, but they waited until 1904 so that more states and foreign nations could participate.) Napoleon, who ruled France at the time of the Purchase, is depicted on the left side of the medal, and President Thomas Jefferson on the right. The words, “Historic Souvenir” make the medal a bit less imposing, I think, but at least no one could try to sell it as an original.
Souvenir of 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair-Watch Fob-reverse.(Click to enlarge.)
The reverse of the fob begins at the top with the fleur-de-lis, and then showcases St. Louis’ Union Station, which many of the Fair tourists would have passed through as most travelled by train. Union Station had opened in 1894, the largest passenger station in the country. It became the busiest as well, and those of us of a certain age will remember standing at the edge of the many tracks inside, with the acrid smell of the new diesel train engines and the loud hiss of the older but more beautiful steam engines. The station has now become a multi-use hotel-retail-restaurant-convention center, and is a great destination in St. Louis to visit today.
The next panel showcases the 1874 engineering marvel that connects St. Louis to Illinois, the Eads Bridge. It was the longest arched bridge of the time, and made wide use of the new material called steel for its arched trusses, which were considered daring and unproven to handle the weight necessary for such a bridge. The construction of the bridge was novel in that it was the first use of cantilevered support exclusively, and its very deep pneumatic caissons were some of the few used at that time in bridge construction. St. Louisans were very proud of their bridge, and featuring it on this watch fob was one way to tell the world that while St. Louis might be an older city, it was looking forward to the future with advanced engineering and city planning.
The bottom section states, “Louisiana Purchase Exposition St. Louis 1904.”
Souvenirs of 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair- 4 pins plus watch fob/medal. (Click to enlarge.)
The metal piece to the upper right above may also have been used as a watch fob, or attached to a bar-pin and worn as a medal. (There may have been a top portion that is missing.)
Many of the US states had a pavilion, and small buttons such as the above would have been procured there. I don’t know if these would have been given out or purchased- more research needed. The pin on the bottom right has some water damage. These pins are likely celluloid on metal backings.
A last few of my 1904 souvenirs will be featured in an upcoming post.
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Items in the collection of the author, but sadly, they are not OUR family heirlooms, but were those of someone whose descendants did not appreciate heirlooms.
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