Telegram with congratulations to Edith Roberts McMurray on the birth of her son, Edward A. McMurray, Jr., April 16, 1924. [Click to enlarge.] McMurray Family or Roberts Family(Click for Family Trees)
Since it is still the birthday week of Edward A. McMurray, Jr., let’s continue celebrating with some of the treasures we still have, in addition to all the wonderful memories.
Edward A. McMurray, Sr. (1900-1992) was still in medical school in St. Louis, Missouri, when his first son was born. Here he is with Edward A. McMurray, Jr., who was 11 months old at the time. “Dr.” McMurray would graduate from St. Louis University Medical School just a few months after this picture was taken:
Edward A. McMurray, Sr., with his first son, Edward A. McMurray, Jr., about March, 1925. [Click to enlarge.] And here is the proud mama again, Edith M. Roberts McMurray, when Edward Jr. was a bit older, perhaps around his first birthday:
Edith Roberts McMurray with son Edward A. McMurray, Jr, about 1925. [Click to enlarge.] On the Roberts side, Edith’s sister, Ethel G. Roberts Robison (1891-1969), had a son and two daughters, so Edward was not the first grandchild on that branch of the family tree. Sadly however, George Anthony Roberts (1861-1931), Edith’s father, had not wanted Ethel to marry the man she did (though in the long run Ethel made the better choice), and George would not even acknowledge his first three grandchildren. So to “Daddy George,” Edward’s nickname for him, Edward was essentially his first, and only, grandchild.
Edward A. McMurray, Jr., with his grandfather George A. Roberts, about 1926. From the photo album Edward put together in the late 1940s, when he was about to get married. [Click to enlarge.] Edith’s mother, Ella V. Daniel Roberts (1866-1922), had passed away two years before Edward was born. It must have been very hard for Edith to not have her beloved momma with her to rejoice in the birth of a dear son!
On the McMurray side, Edward Jr. was the cherished very first grandchild. His paternal grandparents, Lynette Payne McMurray, and William Elmer McMurray, were doting grandparents:
Three generations of McMurrays: Dr. Edward A. McMurray, Sr. on left, his mother Lynette (Payne) McMurray holding his son Edward A. McMurray, Jr., and her husband and Dr. McMurray’s father, William E. McMurray on the right. Probably taken in 1924. [Click to enlarge.] Edith, in the stories she wrote about her life, spoke about Will McMurray and what a “jovial and friendly” man he was, with “a most hearty laugh.” She called Will, “Dad” and Lynette, “Mother” and was very close to them throughout their lives. Edith wrote about how Will was known to all as “Bill.”
“He would be hailed from every street corner. “Hey Bill, how goes it this morning?” Dad would have a ready answer.
He loved the circus. When Edward Jr. was just six weeks old, we went to one out north of town. Proudly Dad carried his first Grandchild on his fat tummy and you can imagine the attention he got. “How about having a look at the boy Bill?” Dad just beamed and the rest of us acted stupid, grinning from ear to ear.”
Lynette (Payne) McMurray holding her grandson, Edward A. McMurray, Jr. Taken sometime in 1924, as Ed was born April 12th of that year.
The family nickname for Ed’s paternal great-grandmother was “Amino” which was pronounced “AM-in-o.” The caption was written by Ed, Jr. in his family scrapbook he created around 1948, just before he got married. Since he was the oldest grandchild, perhaps he came up with her nickname as he was learning to talk!
William and Lynette’s other son, Herbert C. McMurray (1911-1989), Edward’s paternal uncle, was just 13 years old when Ed Jr. was born.
Edward A. McMurray, Jr., with his 13 year-old paternal uncle, Herbert C. McMurray, likely taken in April, 1924. Caption by Edward in his photo album. [Click to enlarge.] A bit older, Edward looks like he is not so sure about this ride Uncle Herbert was providing:
Edward A. McMurray, Jr., being carried by his uncle, Herbert McMurray, circa 1925. [Click to enlarge.] Edward, Jr. was lucky enough to have two great-grandparents still living when he was born. We do not have any pictures of him with his great-grandfather Frederick Asbury “F.A.” McMurray (1859-1929), but here Ed is with Hannah Malissa Benjamin McMurray (1854-1932), F.A.’s wife. In his later years, Ed was able to recognize her in this picture, but all he could remember was, “She was very stern.”
Hannah Melissa Benjamin with her great-grandson, Edward A. McMurray, Jr., about 1925. [Click to enlarge.] When he was a bit older, about 3 or 4, Ed hung out with his buddy Uncle Herbert:
Herbert C. McMurray with his nephew Edward A. McMurray, Jr. on left, and an unknown baby. The baby may be his niece, Mona Lynette Cook (1927-1970), daughter of Herbert and Edward Sr’s sister, Maude Lynette “Midge” McMurray Cook. Herbert did not have children when Ed was this young. Probably taken about 1928. [Click to enlarge.] Herbert was such a favorite with Edward Jr.- in fact, Ed asked Herbert to be his best man when he married in 1948!
Edith adored her in-laws. She traveled back and forth between Newton and St. Louis to be with Ed Sr. who was still in medical school and then likely completing his residency there. Edith wrote:
“They were so good to me. I stayed with them a lot, in the summer when it was too hot for us to be in St. Louis and later in an apartment on the north side of 322 E 4th St. W. I can see where we were no doubt a nuisance as [Edward] had colic and one night we had a cyclone and both of us were so exhausted that is Edward and I, we slept thru it and his baby carriage was blown off the porch and Fourth street was blocked with trees blown down.
Dad sold my cakes I made so that I could make enuf money to go to St. Louis in the fall and I was always taken with them on Sundays to Des Moines and to Hudson where we went to visit the McMillans. I believe they were cousins of Mothers. It would have been so nice if Mother and Dad had gone by themselves. On the way home nine times out of ten we had a flat tire. It would be late at night and every one tired. Dad and I would get out and Mother would hold the sleeping grandson… [while he was] getting it fixed…”
All that family love in the early years helped Edward Arthur McMurray, Jr. grow into the fine man he would later become.
Notes, Sources, and References:
Family treasure chest of photos, letters, ephemera, etc.
Wonderful biographies written by Edith M. Roberts McMurray Luck about the people she knew and loved. Provided above as she wrote them, with her spelling abbreviations and lack of punctuation- she was always too busy to pause for a comma or stop for a period!
“The Saga of Ed McMurray, Family and Friends,” a scrapbook put together by Ed around 1948 before he got married. Perhaps it was partially a scorecard for his soon-to-be-wife, Mary T. HELBLING, to learn all his family members? The captions are just adorable, as are the pictures he chose. It is one of those few things that gives a little insight into who he was.
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“Good for 5 in Merchandise.” Token from the McMurray-Kilduff Grocery Store in Newton, Iowa, circa 1899-1907.
McMURRAY Family(Click for Family Tree) [Are you related? Yes if you descend from Dr. Edward A. McMurray, Dr. Herbert McMurray, or Maude L. “Midge” McMurray Cook, who are the children of William Elmer “W.E.” McMurray. and Lynette Payne.]
It seems sort of crazy to think of auction websites and antique stores as a good source for family history. These days though, with so many kids and grandkids having little interest in the family furniture, pictures, papers, what-sits that sit on a shelf and need dusting, etc. that have been lovingly passed down for generations, such impersonal temporary repositories can be a good resource. The internet now helps us to gather these treasures after they have been spread far and wide from the original homeplace when people migrated around the country (or countries!).
One can set up alerts on sites like eBay or even on Google so that a family historian can be researching while sleeping instead of crawling the internet at 3am. (OK, I will admit that many of us will just be crawling other websites at that time…)
A person in Lake Sherman, Nebraska, posted the above treasure on eBay back in 2012, and the eBay alert system was a great research partner. I got an alert that a McMurray item was just listed! How amazing- what were the chances a McMurray or Killduff descendant would be in Lake Sherman, Nebraska at the one antique shop that had this little ‘coin’ maybe stashed somewhere mostly out of sight? Or the chance that a descendant would somehow run into this person from Nebraska who may have found this in a shoebox in their, or someone’s, old family home?? Would it have even come up in a quick conversation? Likely none of these scenarios would have helped return this token to family after about 112 years, except for eBay. It also opened a new avenue of research, as this early time of Will’s life and his business partnership with Mr. Killduff was previously unknown.
William Elmer “W.E.” or “Bill” McMurray, possibly circa 1901-1902? I.U. Inkenberry was a photographer in Newton, Iowa those years, but also may have worked there before or after that time period. [Click to enlarge.] To recap a number of previous posts, William Elmer McMurray (1874-1957) was the oldest of the five children born to Hannah Melissa Benjamin (1854-1932) and Frederick A. “F.A.” McMurray (1850-1929). He was also the first McMurray ancestor born in Jasper County, Iowa. Will, known as “Bill” around Newton, Iowa, may have gotten his talents as a businessman and salesman from his father. F.A. McMurray was an auctioneer, ‘crying’ sales of farms and businesses in many counties for decades. He was one of the most successful auctioneers in the area, and in great demand. One can imagine a young Will and his brothers helping out with the travel to the sales, making an inventory of farm and household objects and livestock to be sold, tagging auction items with numbers for bidding, moving equipment or animals to the front for all to see, and receiving the money from auction-goers who had found a new/old treasure of their own. As he got older Will worked as an auctioneer with his father frequently- there were newspaper ads for “McMurray & Sons, Auctioneers,” so his brothers must have helped out too. Will eventually carried what he learned in the auction business about people, the psychology of selling and of the buyers, plus the logistics of buying and selling various goods into a business of his own.
“A group of Newton residents are shown gathered in front of Willis McCollum’s grocery store in 1892.” Will McMurray is the second from the left. A family treasure , this 130 year-old clipping was reprinted in the ‘Newton Daily News’ on Aug 10, 1957. [Click to enlarge.] Will worked for Willis McCollum beginning around 1892, when Will was 18 years old. The McCollom Grocery Store was located on the square in Newton, Iowa, on the northeast corner. Will worked there for a number of years, as did William Charles Killduff (1871-1959). It may have been confusing when someone in the store called out, “Will!” since there were three who may have been called by that shortened name!
On what was likely a bitterly cold Iowa winter day, the Newton Record of January 26, 1899 posted an article with the headline of “Unexpected Change of Business.” It explained that the previous morning, Willis McCollom had sold his store to his two clerks, Will McMurray and Will Killduff. It was a complete surprise to the locals:
“Willis had been so long and successfully in the grocery business in Newton that he had came [sic] to be considered a permanent fixture here in that line.”
The paper went on to applaud the work of the two young men, stating:
“The two Wills are enterprising young men, full of business push and energy, and during their service in the store have made themselves popular with its patrons. There is no question of their success.”
On March 1st the two Wills took possession of the store, in the same spot on the square. They had already placed an ad in the Newton Record stating:
“We will keep up the reputation of the old firm, which was to keep the best goods, sell them at a small profit and treat everybody nicely.”
Since the McColloms had been in the grocery business for quite some time, it was really important for the two new owners to reassure established customers that the grocery would continue being a great place to shop. The ad went on:
“We are young in years but not young in the grocery business… [We] thoroughly understand the business, and will guarantee the same satisfaction in the future that you have had in the past.”
Just three months later, on June 6th, 1899, Will married Lynette Payne (1879-1968) so it became even more important to keep their customer’s loyalty. Also, William Charles or “W.C.” Killduff was more than a co-worker and then partner- in October of that same year he became family when he married Mae Benjamin, Will McMurray’s cousin. To build the business, these two savvy merchandisers placed ads throughout the copy in many issues of the Newton newspaper. In 1900, they offered trading stamps to every customer who visited the store on Saturday, July 7th, and the McMurray-Killduff trade token may have followed soon after. Both the stamps and the tokens were an enticement to return to the store to spend them, just like department store cash is today.
“McMurray & Killduff, Cash Grocers, Newton, Iowa.” Token from the McMurray-Kilduff Grocery Store in Newton, Iowa- reverse.
Known as a ‘trade token’, this 10mm (just over 3/8 of an inch) round is made of aluminum. Aluminum became cheap in the 1890s, which fits with the time that Will and William Killduff purchased the store. The coin, worth 5 cents in trade (probably, rather than $5) may have been given out like the stamps were, only on a certain day, or could have been offered when a specific purchase was made. While 5 cents does not seem like very much, in 1901 McMurray-Killduff Grocery sold a “1 gallon can of good peaches for 39 cents” and “2 1-pound cans of Flat Salmon for 30 cents.” So the 5 cent token would have had more buying power than it seems.
Some of the Benjamin family did move west, and we have not traced the Killduffs other than W.C., but the coin could have been owned by anyone in Jasper County, Iowa. Some people never cash in such rewards, and the object ends up in a box or drawer that then gets moved on with a migration or a yard sale. Additionally, modern day “pickers” who travel the country searching for antiques may have purchased it in Iowa and taken it to a shop in Nebraska- we will likely never know.
In September of 1901, Will McMurray paid for an ad in the paper for a carload of peaches and mason jars, and it was signed with just his name, not paired with W.C. Killduff’s. Will’s store was still on the Northeast Corner of the Newton Square, so the partnership between cousins had likely been dissolved. Will had the grocery and/or a meat market for many more years. In fact, in the 1916 Newton City Directory, W.C. Killduff is listed as a clerk at the McMurray Grocery. Will McMurray’s brother Roy McMurray also clerked at the store for a time, and of course, Will’s wife Lynette also spent more time than she liked working in the store as well as raising three children. In 1925, Will began building a new store for his grocery business because there was a problem with the buildings being over their property lines, and F.L. Maytag (yes, that Maytag), bought the property on that corner, razed the buildings, and built his Maytag Hotel . We have not found other news stories to learn more about the planned building by Will nor how long he had a grocery store, but city directories would help in that research. Will did sell insurance in his later years, and his jovial demeanor and friendly service continued to serve him well in business.
An Afterthought:
As this was being written, the realization of karma or serendipity washed over me- Will and F. A. McMurray sold other people’s possessions at auction, and a token from Will’s store made it back to family via a high tech auction in 2012. Wherever they are today, they may have marveled at the new technology, were happy as auctioneers that the purchase price was more than twice the opening bid, and may have had a hand in making the family’s offer the winning bid. Cool.
Notes, Sources, and References:
See previous blog posts about Will McMurray and his grocery store, including:
“Unexpected Change of Business,” Newton Record, Jan. 26, 1899, page 1.
Apologies for the poor quality images, but sometimes, that’s just genealogy!
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What a great picture! A first impression was, “This man has a story.” Well, we all have a story, but this appeared to be a story that might have a few twists and turns plus some interesting research. Also, Emanuel Clutter married Frances “Fannie” Drucilla Benjamin, the sister of our ancestor Hannah Melissa Benjamin McMurray, so he is kin, and we should tell his story, as well as Fannie’s. Additionally, sometimes one can learn more about a direct ancestor by researching siblings, so there was the hope of learning more about Hannah Melissa or their parents, Sylvanus Rufus Benjamin and Sarah Ann Palmer Benjamin.
Emanuel Clutter (1846-1927), young man. Posted with the kind permission of the owner of the photo. (Click to enlarge.)
Emanuel was born on Dec. 3, 1846, in Licking County, Ohio, where Fannie was born as well on June 4, 1843. Emanuel’s parents were James I. Clutter (1806-1896), born in Pennsylvania, and Rhoda Myers Clutter (1815-1897), born in Licking County. The Clutters likely knew Fannie’s parents, Sylvanus Rufus “S.R.” Benjamin (1819-1892), who was born in Licking County too, and Sarah Ann Palmer Benjamin (1822-1911), who was born in Ohio probably but some records state Kentucky. Licking County is located about the center of the state, and includes Columbus, Ohio today. Knox County is adjacent and just north of Licking, and where the Clutters lived at one point.
James I. Clutter (1806-1896), with kind permission of the owner. (Click to enlarge.)
In 1850, both families lived in Burlington Township, probably on farms since both fathers were listed as farmers in the 1850 US Federal Census. They probably saw each other at the feed store or grocer, at community events, and maybe even attended the same church. As lands opened up out west, it is likely that migration was a hot topic of conversation in the community, especially when one or more families sold off, packed up, and moved to a new beginning.
James and Rhoda Clutter stayed in Ohio with some of their children, but others migrated west. We have not found Emanuel in the 1860 US Federal Census anywhere, including not with his parents and siblings in Ohio.We have not found him in 1870, either.
S.R. Benjamin and family were living in Burlington, where the Clutters lived, at the 1860 census as the division of our country over slavery increased rapidly. War was declared and the Union became desperate for soldiers by 1863. S.R. was actually drafted as a part of the “Old Man’s Draft”- he was 42- but he paid a substitute to serve for him instead. The Benjamin family then migrated all together to Jasper County, Iowa in 1865 or 1866- the year varies in obituaries of the children.
Did Emanuel just get missed on the 1860 census, and then migrate with the Benjamins? Was Emanuel working in Cedar County, Iowa, as a photographer/artist, since some of the pictures in the Clutter Photo Album were taken there? Or had Emanuel gone to work in Iowa and his sweetheart and her family followed after he told them how wonderful it was? (The Benjamins had another reason for the migration- that story is still to come as it was just found less than an hour before this was written, and needs a bit more research before telling.)
Some sources/trees state that Emanuel and Fannie married in Ohio, but apparently not- they were issued a license to marry in Jasper County, Iowa, on 29 December 1868. Fannie’s obituary states that they married about three years after she migrated to Jasper County with her family in 1865. We have not found a record of the actual marriage, but that is not unusual for this time period.
In the Jasper County, Iowa 1870 census, S. R. Benjamin, age 49, was listed as a farmer with real estate valued at $9,000 and a personal estate of $1,325. His wife Sarah Ann Palmer Benjamin, 48, was “keeping house.” Their son John Elliot Benjamin, 21, was still in the household and listed as a farmer, with his new wife “L.M.” Boydston Benjamin helping Sarah with the household- and ‘women’s’ farm chores. Daughter Hannah Melissa Benjamin (our direct ancestor, AKA, “The Scary Lady” in later years) was just 16 and attending school. Emanuel Clutter, age 23, and his wife Fannie were also living in the household, with Emanuel listed as an “artist” in the census, and Frances, naturally, ‘keeping house.’ Emanuel may have been an “artist” working in the photography business in Newton at this time, as per our previous postings on the Clutter Family Photo Album.
The third Benjamin daughter, Cynthia Adeline Benjamin, had married Reuben K. Lambert in Ohio, and they migrated to Jasper County with their two children who had been born in Ohio, Willie Rufus Lambert and Elliott Ellsworth Lambert. They may have traveled with the rest of the Benjamin family. The Lamberts were enumerated just before the S.R. Benjamin family in the 1870 US Federal Census in Jasper County, Iowa, so may have had adjoining farms. (The Lamberts did later have a daughter, Ida Bell Lambert, born in Jasper County, Iowa.)
Fannie and Emanuel Clutter had been married for five years before the only child we know of, Rufus E. Clutter, was born to them in 1873. This is a longer gap than usual between marriage and first child for those days, so there may have been children born before Rufus who did not survive. Rufus did grow up, marry (to Mattie J. “Madge” Small), and became a father to Donald F. Clutter (1896-1984).
Benjamin Family Headstone Grouping in Newton Union Cemetery, Newton, Jasper County, Iowa: Sylvanus Rufus Benjamin, Sarah Ann Palmer Benjamin, Frances D. Benjamin Clutter. (Click to enlarge.)
A recent very cold fall visit to Newton Union Cemetery in Jasper County, Iowa, with the bitter winds whipping across the prairie but the warmth of family togetherness both above and below the cold ground (thanks for the fun above-ground cemetery time, cousin! ;D), made us think of what our pioneer ancestors dealt with as they worked their farms every day. Even when crops were not growing, animals needed tending and repairs to buildings, fences, and equipment were required. The family also needed to be fed, bedding and clothing cleaned, repaired, and even sewn from only a bolt of cloth. Dealing with the weather must have been brutal at times. So we found our pioneer fortitude genes within and searched for the Benjamin section of the cemetery as well as the McMurray plots, since Hannah Melissa Benjamin married Frederick Asbury McMurray. It was a surprise to find Frances/Francis/Fannie Benjamin Clutter’s stone in the group with the Benjamins, especially since Emanuel Clutter had no stone alongside, nor in that cemetery.
Headstone of Frances “Fannie” Drucilla Benjamin Clutter in Benjamin grouping at Newton Union Cemetery, Newton, Jasper, Iowa, posted with kind permission of photographer. (Click to enlarge.)
A search back through our records for Fannie’s obituary revealed more of the story:
“Mrs. Frances D. Clutter died at the home of her mother, Mrs. S.R. Benjamin… For over twenty-five years Mrs. Clutter had been an invalid, and the closing weeks of her life were especially marked with suffering, so that the death came as a blessed boon to her the beginning of a new life in which pain, sorrow and tears will never be known.”
Fannie was just 55 years old at her death- she had been very ill for almost half her life!
“Although her life had been one strangely mixed with sorrow as well as physical suffering, her Christian trust and faith never deserted her for a moment.”
Rufus, her son, had come from Chicago to be with Fannie during her last days, and her dear mother was there as well. (Her father had died in 1892.)
But what about Emanuel? There is no mention of him except that they married.
Stay tuned.
Notes, Sources, and References:
History of Knox County, Ohio, its past and present…, by N.N. Hill, 1881, pp. 628-9 for bios of James Clutter and family. This source states Emmanuel was born in Iowa.
For your consideration: an interesting thread concerning the Clutter family to add to your analysis from daneil2229 on Family Tree Circles– We do not know of any followup of this query from over nine years ago, but it might be interesting to follow up to corroborate.
At it states Emmanuel and Fannie were issued a license only on 29 Dec 1868, p. 31 of Jasper Co, IA Marriage Records, Vol. 1 1848-1869. We have found no record of their marriage but have not searched extensively.
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Clutter Family Photo Album. Unknown person. Photograph by Chas C. Curtiss, Mt Vernon Ohio, likely taken before 1895. (Click to enlarge.)
Benjamin Family, McMurray Family(Click for Family Tree)
Genealogy is not a pastime for those who cannot shake their head and calmly say, “Well, I guess we will never know for sure…”
This Clutter photo album is just one of those things- unless someone sees this post and has another piece of the puzzle to share, it will be fun to enjoy the photos of persons in our genealogical past but we will never be able to put a name to the face.
In one of the (too many) “To Sort” file folders on my computer I recently found these scanned album images from a cousin. The Clutter family married into the Benjamin family, which is a part of the McMurray line. That marriage took place between Emmanuel Clutter (1846-1921) and Frances “Fannie” Drucilla Benjamin (1843-1899) on Dec. 31, 1868, in Licking County, Ohio per some sources; more likely is that they received a marriage license (the only record) on Dec. 29, 1868, in Jasper County, Iowa and married after. The bride was the sister of Hannah “Melissa” Benjamin McMurray (1854-1932), AKA known as “The Scary Lady” by Melissa’s own 5th generation descendants. (See notes.) So it is very curious that descendants of Melissa would end up with a photo album of the Clutter family, her sister’s in-laws.
Sadly we do not have an image of Fannie, but here is Melissa:
Hannah Melissa (Benjamin) McMurray, sister of Frances “Fannie” Drucilla Benjamin Clutter. Possibly 1915 or 1920? (Click to enlarge.)
Some of the album photos were taken in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and some in Newton, Jasper County, Iowa, or Cedar County or Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Reverse of pictures taken by Charles C. Curtiss (1825-1895), Mt. Vernon, Ohio. (Click to enlarge.)
Since the Ohio photographer, Charles C. Curtiss passed away in 1895, we can narrow the time of those pictures to before that date.
Clutter Family Photo Album. Left image by N.F. Strong, Mt Vernon Ohio. The right image is a tintype, with Charles C. Curtis the photographer, but the names of the two dapper gents are unknown. (Click to enlarge.)
The above left image is what helped to further identify persons in the album. Going to and searching to learn more about the Clutter family, this image was found:
James I. Clutter (1806-1896), with kind permission of the owner. (Click to enlarge.)
The man in the left portrait from the album looks like this image of James I. Clutter, the father of Emmanuel Clutter, it seems, only younger- do you agree? A similar neck piece can be seen in each of these images. (So possibly a man who liked the status quo, since it appears there are quite a few years between pictures? Or maybe he had a neck injury he preferred to cover up? Again, we shall likely never know.)
Unknown persons, likely Clutter family. The left image was taken by Clutter & Young per the reverse of the image) in Newton, Iowa, and the right image taken by Joseph Longaker or Charles C. Curtiss. (Click to enlarge.)
An old eBay listing for a CDV (carte de viste, the type of photo on a card as are most of these) stated it was taken by Clutter and Young- or maybe it was by Clutter and was the Young family from Newton, Iowa- the wording is not clear. The auction image did eventually come up in a search but no longer can be found on eBay. The back of the eBay image that was found in Google had the name “Clutter & Daft” as the Newton photography studio on the very ornate reverse. An Iowa Culture website notes that a person named Clutter had a Newton studio in the 1870s, and was in a partnership with a person named Daft. “Our” Emmanuel Clutter was listed in the 1870 and the 1880 US Federal Censuses in Newton, Iowa as an “Artist”- perhaps he was working as a photographer, as they did often call themselves ‘artists.’ (And they are!) So his own family likely sat for him.
We need to clarify some confusion in the description of the photo on the right. Charles C. Curtiss of Mt. Vernon, Ohio may have taken the photo, or it could have been Joseph Longaker in Newton or in Cedar Falls, Iowa- he was active there too, at least in 1865. A search on and through Google did not give us much pertinent information. All the persons with the surname Daft in Newton, Jasper County, Iowa, were farmers around 1860-1880, and we were unable to locate a person named Joseph Longaker in either Newton or in Cedar Falls, Iowa. This will take more research from someone more acquainted with these families.
Next: More images from the Clutter Family Album
Notes, Sources, and References:
Emmanuel Clutter – Frances “Fannie” Drucilla Benjamin marriage license in Jasper County, Iowa Marriage Records, Volume 1, 1848-1869.
Hannah “Melissa” Benjamin McMurray- Melissa’s unwavering gaze peered out from a portrait hung in a bedroom, and no one in that family knew her name. Her great-grandson knew her when he was little and she was in her 70s. Thankfully when he was about 80 he finally recognized her picture (years before he did not know who she was), but only remembered that she was very, very stern.
Unfortunately where the actual album is located is unknown, as all we have is a date of 2014 for these scans, but that year does not correlate with any remembered access to such an album or a trip. More mystery… and a reminder to title folders appropriately at the time they are created, no matter how busy one is with scanning in a limited time frame!
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Company L, 51st Iowa Regiment, taken at further training in California. These men probably trained with our ancestors at Camp McKinley, 1898; image via Wikipedia, public domain.
[Are you related? Yes, if you are a descendant of the Jasper County Iowa McMurray, Benjamin, or Lambert families. This would include having Dr. Edward A. McMurray, Dr. Herbert McMurray, or Maude “Midge” McMurray Cook as ancestors, and there are many other branches from this family.]
“SAD GOODBYES OF LOVED ONES” was one of the headlines in the 16 May 1898 issue of The Newton Daily Record. The day before, a Sunday, an extra train was arranged to take Newton, Iowa families to Camp McKinley in Des Moines, Iowa to spend a last day with their sons, brothers, fathers, cousins, and neighbors before they went off to fight in the Spanish-American War. “The parting scenes in the evening made a sad picture indeed,” the paper stated. “The boys are anxious to be off, but of course all are thinking more seriously of the uncertainty of what the future may have in store for them.” The plan was that the unit would leave for New Orleans soon.
Our ancestors were not a part of this parting scene, however. Medical examinations had taken place by the 10th of May, and sadly, William Elmer McMurray was rejected, although we do not know the reason. His brother Harry James McMurray was elected as 2nd Lieutenant of the company on the 10th, but then he too, along with three other men from Co. L, failed the medical exam. “The boys were deeply disappointed but there was no use of kicking,” per TheRecord. Even with those losses for medical reasons, the company had 11 members more than what was needed, so additional men also made the sad trip home. We can imagine the hurt, the disappointment, and the range of emotions those young men felt, especially with their cousins still in a unit that was going off to a foreign war. Imagining the reactions of the parents too is not hard- how do you reconcile your son’s disappointment (times two for Hannah Melissa Benjamin McMurray and Fred McMurray, the parents of Will and Harry) with your patriotism but also your relief to not have your baby going off to war?
Knowing what happened to the unit after they left Camp McKinley gives us an interesting perspective, however.
Iowa had four infantry regiments mustered for the Spanish-American War.
The 49th Iowa, made up of men from Tipton, Marshalltown, etc., was sent to Savannah Georgia for training, and was part of the occupying force in Cuba after the war in 1898-1899.
Iowa’s 51st Infantry mustered men from Des Moines, Oskaloosa, etc., and were transported to San Francisco, CA for training. They then saw active duty in the Philippines, helping to put down the Philippine Insurrection that happened after the war..
The 52nd Iowa trained at Chickamauga Park, Georgia. The men in this unit and their families back home must have felt another connection to the Civil War as they were in the same area that Iowa troops had fought, and won, at Missionary Ridge on 25 Nov 1863. The 52nd then returned to Camp McKinley in October, 1898, and were quartered in barns that had been overhauled to prepare for the cold winter. They expected to be shipped out on 30 Oct., however with Spain surrendering on 16 July 1898 and a treaty in progress, they were mustered out on 30 Oct 1898, never seeing foreign service since the war was only ten weeks long.
And then there was the 50th Iowa Infantry, from Newton and thereabouts. Lieut. Col. Elliott Ellsworth Lambert was made full Colonel, and was in command of the entire Brigade at one point; Roland E. Benjamin may have still been in the unit, but we will leave that for other researchers to determine. The 50th shipped south from Des Moines to Jacksonville, Florida, arriving 24 May 1898. Their camp was a flat section of sandy land outside the city called “Camp Cuba Libre” since one of the reasons for the war was independence for Cuba from Spain. The men drilled and completed target practice day after day, training for their planned liberation of Havana, Cuba.
Camp Cuba Libre had up to 30,000 men living there, with supplies very scarce at the beginning. Eating utensils had not arrived so the men ate off of shingles with their fingers. Uniforms were only available in small numbers, and by the time some of the men got theirs, the uniforms of others had already worn out. Some supplies were purposefully withheld by the administration to help ‘toughen’ the men, such as tent floorboards, and medical supplies were so short that the camp had to ask the Red Cross for assistance.
Once the rainy season began in Florida, things got even worse. Flooding began in the camp. Without wooden floorboards in their tents there was no hope of staying out of the watery muck. The soldiers built new barracks that were elevated, however they still had to move around through the flooded portions of camp. (Please see a picture here that should be public domain due to its age and that it was probably taken by a federal employee, but it is apparently copyrighted by number of organizations so cannot be posted.)
Soldiers started getting sick, many with typhoid fever, which is a bacterial infection from contaminated water or food; it can also be transmitted between people due to poor sanitation. (It would have been challenging to build latrines in sandy soil with a water table close to the surface, and then the rains came…) The number of men visiting sick call increased as the rains continued, and some died, especially since antibiotics were not yet available. Female nurses, not yet common in the military, had to brave social ostracizing- they were considered loose women, especially by the camp surgeon. Catholic Lakota nuns and then Red Cross nurses from the North cared for the ailing men despite the constant suspicion and monitoring of their behavior.
Both officers and soldiers protested up the chain of command about the camp conditions and increasing sickness, and finally on 1 August they were given permission to move the camp to higher ground. This helped, but because of the long period of infection and bacterial shedding of typhoid, in just over three weeks from 10 Aug-5 Sep, 100-300 men were either relieved of duty due to illness or were in the hospital. Inspections were conducted and eventually improvements to sanitary conditions were made.
A cease-fire with Spain was signed on 12 August 1898.
The War Department ordered the 50th to return to Iowa on 12 Sep 1898. Sick men were carefully loaded into Pullman cars and the train transported the Regiment back to Des Moines, where they arrived on 17 Sep. Most men were given a 40 day furlough, and then they returned to Camp McKinley. They were mustered out there on 30 Nov 1898, never having left the continental United States.
Many of the sick went home and died soon after at their Iowa home, their illness acquired during their term of service. At least they were with their family at the end.
Of the 1,369 men of the 50th Iowa Infantry Regiment, none were killed or wounded in battle, however 32 died of disease, 30 were discharged for disease, wounds, or other causes, and 38 were transferred. Col. Lambert wrote many reports that detailed the events of the unit during its time in service.
One estimate is that 90% of the men who died during the Spanish-American War were lost to disease.
This information begs the question- would we be here if Will McMurray and Harry McMurray had been accepted into service during the Spanish-American War?
Notes, Sources, and References:
“Co. L Will be First to Go,” The Newton Daily Record, 11 May 1898, page 4.
“Among Camp McKinley Boys,” The Newton Daily Record, 16 May 1898, page 4.
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