Here is yet another of those photos- a story we would love to know! Father and son? Friends? Please do let us know if you know the story or can identify these men, or any of the people in the following photos from the Roberts Family Photo Album put together some time around 1910 to the 1920s, likely in Jasper County, Iowa. It was passed down to the descendants of George Anthony Roberts and Ella V. Daniel Roberts.
#29- A man and possibly his son?
And now that young man has a girlfriend:
#30- Unidentified young man and young woman.
Here is the same young woman, but is it the same young man? His ears and nose seem quite a bit different.
#31- Same young woman, but different man?#32- Same young woman.
Here is another young couple:
#33- The reverse of this photo states “Herbert and Gladyce, Nov 1919.” There is a picture of a “Herbert Burns” in another group of photos- the same man?
There are a number of young women in the photo album, one with maybe her mother:
#34- Young woman with striped skirt.#35- Unidentified young woman.#36- Two women, possibly a mother and daughter.
While the cameras of that time apparently had some problems with light leaks and did not always advance film properly, having even these not-perfect pictures helps us imagine life for our ancestors.
#37- Woman and baby outside on farm.
The back of the above photo states, “Mar. 24, ’18 Ivan Axlell.” (Spelling is hard to decipher on second name.) We do have an Ivan Chester Murrell, born 1899 in Roseville, Illinois, so this would not be the same person. There were no children listed in the 1930 census when Ivan Chester was listed with his wife, Lillian Lukens Murrell, as living with her parents.
#38- Two women by a fence in fields.#39- A woman sitting, possibly waiting for a train since dressed up and a telegraph pole is in the background? (Telegraph/phone lines often ran along railroad tracks.)
And a few more men to add to our “unidentified” listing from the Roberts Family Photo Album:
#40- Two men in suits. They do look familiar… but who are they??
Plus a hard-working man in front of a barn:
#41- A man in front of a barn in work clothes.
Do you recognize any of these people? If you do, please scroll down to “Leave a comment” and let us know who they are! Even if you also have an unidentified copy of this photo, knowing what other family has it may help us narrow the possibilities. We each have different pieces of the puzzle… Thanks in advance.
Notes, Sources, and References:
The numbers by the photos are for reference since we do not know many of the people in this album.
“Roberts Family Photo Album” circa 1910-1925 or so. Images may have been taken in Jasper County, Iowa.
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Telegram with congratulations to Edith Roberts McMurray on the birth of her son, Edward A. McMurray, Jr., April 16, 1924. [Click to enlarge.] McMurray Family or Roberts Family(Click for Family Trees)
Since it is still the birthday week of Edward A. McMurray, Jr., let’s continue celebrating with some of the treasures we still have, in addition to all the wonderful memories.
Edward A. McMurray, Sr. (1900-1992) was still in medical school in St. Louis, Missouri, when his first son was born. Here he is with Edward A. McMurray, Jr., who was 11 months old at the time. “Dr.” McMurray would graduate from St. Louis University Medical School just a few months after this picture was taken:
Edward A. McMurray, Sr., with his first son, Edward A. McMurray, Jr., about March, 1925. [Click to enlarge.] And here is the proud mama again, Edith M. Roberts McMurray, when Edward Jr. was a bit older, perhaps around his first birthday:
Edith Roberts McMurray with son Edward A. McMurray, Jr, about 1925. [Click to enlarge.] On the Roberts side, Edith’s sister, Ethel G. Roberts Robison (1891-1969), had a son and two daughters, so Edward was not the first grandchild on that branch of the family tree. Sadly however, George Anthony Roberts (1861-1931), Edith’s father, had not wanted Ethel to marry the man she did (though in the long run Ethel made the better choice), and George would not even acknowledge his first three grandchildren. So to “Daddy George,” Edward’s nickname for him, Edward was essentially his first, and only, grandchild.
Edward A. McMurray, Jr., with his grandfather George A. Roberts, about 1926. From the photo album Edward put together in the late 1940s, when he was about to get married. [Click to enlarge.] Edith’s mother, Ella V. Daniel Roberts (1866-1922), had passed away two years before Edward was born. It must have been very hard for Edith to not have her beloved momma with her to rejoice in the birth of a dear son!
On the McMurray side, Edward Jr. was the cherished very first grandchild. His paternal grandparents, Lynette Payne McMurray, and William Elmer McMurray, were doting grandparents:
Three generations of McMurrays: Dr. Edward A. McMurray, Sr. on left, his mother Lynette (Payne) McMurray holding his son Edward A. McMurray, Jr., and her husband and Dr. McMurray’s father, William E. McMurray on the right. Probably taken in 1924. [Click to enlarge.] Edith, in the stories she wrote about her life, spoke about Will McMurray and what a “jovial and friendly” man he was, with “a most hearty laugh.” She called Will, “Dad” and Lynette, “Mother” and was very close to them throughout their lives. Edith wrote about how Will was known to all as “Bill.”
“He would be hailed from every street corner. “Hey Bill, how goes it this morning?” Dad would have a ready answer.
He loved the circus. When Edward Jr. was just six weeks old, we went to one out north of town. Proudly Dad carried his first Grandchild on his fat tummy and you can imagine the attention he got. “How about having a look at the boy Bill?” Dad just beamed and the rest of us acted stupid, grinning from ear to ear.”
Lynette (Payne) McMurray holding her grandson, Edward A. McMurray, Jr. Taken sometime in 1924, as Ed was born April 12th of that year.
The family nickname for Ed’s paternal great-grandmother was “Amino” which was pronounced “AM-in-o.” The caption was written by Ed, Jr. in his family scrapbook he created around 1948, just before he got married. Since he was the oldest grandchild, perhaps he came up with her nickname as he was learning to talk!
William and Lynette’s other son, Herbert C. McMurray (1911-1989), Edward’s paternal uncle, was just 13 years old when Ed Jr. was born.
Edward A. McMurray, Jr., with his 13 year-old paternal uncle, Herbert C. McMurray, likely taken in April, 1924. Caption by Edward in his photo album. [Click to enlarge.] A bit older, Edward looks like he is not so sure about this ride Uncle Herbert was providing:
Edward A. McMurray, Jr., being carried by his uncle, Herbert McMurray, circa 1925. [Click to enlarge.] Edward, Jr. was lucky enough to have two great-grandparents still living when he was born. We do not have any pictures of him with his great-grandfather Frederick Asbury “F.A.” McMurray (1859-1929), but here Ed is with Hannah Malissa Benjamin McMurray (1854-1932), F.A.’s wife. In his later years, Ed was able to recognize her in this picture, but all he could remember was, “She was very stern.”
Hannah Melissa Benjamin with her great-grandson, Edward A. McMurray, Jr., about 1925. [Click to enlarge.] When he was a bit older, about 3 or 4, Ed hung out with his buddy Uncle Herbert:
Herbert C. McMurray with his nephew Edward A. McMurray, Jr. on left, and an unknown baby. The baby may be his niece, Mona Lynette Cook (1927-1970), daughter of Herbert and Edward Sr’s sister, Maude Lynette “Midge” McMurray Cook. Herbert did not have children when Ed was this young. Probably taken about 1928. [Click to enlarge.] Herbert was such a favorite with Edward Jr.- in fact, Ed asked Herbert to be his best man when he married in 1948!
Edith adored her in-laws. She traveled back and forth between Newton and St. Louis to be with Ed Sr. who was still in medical school and then likely completing his residency there. Edith wrote:
“They were so good to me. I stayed with them a lot, in the summer when it was too hot for us to be in St. Louis and later in an apartment on the north side of 322 E 4th St. W. I can see where we were no doubt a nuisance as [Edward] had colic and one night we had a cyclone and both of us were so exhausted that is Edward and I, we slept thru it and his baby carriage was blown off the porch and Fourth street was blocked with trees blown down.
Dad sold my cakes I made so that I could make enuf money to go to St. Louis in the fall and I was always taken with them on Sundays to Des Moines and to Hudson where we went to visit the McMillans. I believe they were cousins of Mothers. It would have been so nice if Mother and Dad had gone by themselves. On the way home nine times out of ten we had a flat tire. It would be late at night and every one tired. Dad and I would get out and Mother would hold the sleeping grandson… [while he was] getting it fixed…”
All that family love in the early years helped Edward Arthur McMurray, Jr. grow into the fine man he would later become.
Notes, Sources, and References:
Family treasure chest of photos, letters, ephemera, etc.
Wonderful biographies written by Edith M. Roberts McMurray Luck about the people she knew and loved. Provided above as she wrote them, with her spelling abbreviations and lack of punctuation- she was always too busy to pause for a comma or stop for a period!
“The Saga of Ed McMurray, Family and Friends,” a scrapbook put together by Ed around 1948 before he got married. Perhaps it was partially a scorecard for his soon-to-be-wife, Mary T. HELBLING, to learn all his family members? The captions are just adorable, as are the pictures he chose. It is one of those few things that gives a little insight into who he was.
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The year of 1922 was a sad year for both George Anthony Roberts and Lucy L. (Cadwallader) Frank. On the 17th of January, John lost his wife of almost 37 years, Ella Viola (Daniel) Roberts; they had four children together (one did not survive infancy). Just ten days later, his father, John Roberts, passed away. Lucy’s husband of 29 years, John A. Frank, passed away on the 16th of March; they had two children together. The families had been living in the Prairie City, Iowa, area, so likely knew each other.
At the age of 63, George married Lucy, who was 50 at the time.
George A. Roberts, Sr. and his 2nd wife Lucy L. (Cadwallader) Frank Roberts on their wedding day, 25 Oct 1925. (cropped) (Click to enlarge.)
They enjoyed their time together, with numerous trips to Florida for fishing.George A. Roberts, Sr. and his 2nd wife Lucy L. (Cadwallader) Frank Roberts in Florida, after 1925. (Click to enlarge.)
George passed away in 1939, and Lucy survived him by 31 years.
Notes, Sources, and References:
We apologize for the poor quality of these photos. They were taken from a video that included family pictures, but they were not scanned at the time. In fact, scanners may not have been readily available when this was done, but at least we can see how sweet the couple looked on their wedding day. (Wedding happiness is not just for the young!)
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Original content copyright 2013-2019 by Heritage Ramblings Blog and pmm.
Family history is meant to be shared, but the original content of this site may NOT be used for any commercial purposes unless explicit written permission is received from both the blog owner and author. Blogs or websites with ads and/or any income-generating components are included under “commercial purposes,” as are the large genealogy database websites. Sites that republish original content as their own are in violation of copyright as well, and use of full content is not permitted.Descendants and researchers MAY download images and posts to share with their families, and use the information on their family trees or in family history books with a small number of reprints. Please make sure to credit and cite the information properly, i.e, reference this blog.Please contact us if you have any questions about copyright or use of our blog material.
If memory serves, the above picture was taken in Florida, where George loved to go fishing. As one who had been a farmer and stockman through cold Illinois and Iowa winters since he was a boy, it is no wonder he loved Florida. George had suffered with severe sciatica and rheumatism as an adult- in fact, at one point it was so bad that he had to re-learn how to walk. So the warm Florida sun must have felt great for an old farmer’s bones, and spirit.
George travelled frequently to Florida with his second wife, Lucy L. (Cadwalader) [Frank] Roberts. They married three years after his first wife, Ella V. (Daniel) Roberts, died in 1922. (He lost both his wife and his father, John Roberts, that year.) His grandson, Edward A. McMurray, Jr., spoke of how much “Daddy George” enjoyed those trips, and how many fish they caught.
George Anthony Roberts, Sr., with his second wife, Lucy L. (Cadwalader) [Frank] Roberts, after a fishing trip in Florida. Date unknown, but probably late 1920s or 1930s.
Notes, Sources, and References:
“If memory serves…”- please, write it down- NOW! Memories get conflated with other things and just float away…
Photos from family treasure chest- thank you, family, for sharing!
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Original content copyright 2013-2019 by Heritage Ramblings Blog and pmm.
Family history is meant to be shared, but the original content of this site may NOT be used for any commercial purposes unless explicit written permission is received from both the blog owner and author. Blogs or websites with ads and/or any income-generating components are included under “commercial purposes,” as are the large genealogy database websites. Sites that republish original content as their own are in violation of copyright as well, and use of full content is not permitted.Descendants and researchers MAY download images and posts to share with their families, and use the information on their family trees or in family history books with a small number of reprints. Please make sure to credit and cite the information properly, i.e, reference this blog.Please contact us if you have any questions about copyright or use of our blog material.
Three years ago today I posted some images along with lyrics from Brad Paisley’s song, “Two People Fell in Love.” Seemed like that was just not enough pictures of our ancestors who fell in love, so we decided to provide Part 2 and make it a series, as wonderful pictures become available.
Of course, the secret to a good marriage is making every day a day to celebrate your love, not just a day in the midst of February. Our ancestors probably struggled with this concept like we sometimes do, especially when the mundane gotta-dos of life get in the way. Many of them had long, loving marriages though, and they were good role models for their descendants of today.
Please enjoy these lovely people on this Valentine’s Day of 2018 !
1940- from left Ruth Nadine (Alexander) Lee, Henrietta (Fasterling) Reuter, a friend, in center, and Ruth’s husband, Lloyd Eugene “Gene” Lee on right with 1940 Pontiac, license plate from Missouri but image likely taken in Colorado.
McMurray-Benjamin Family circa 1886: Frederick Asbury McMurray, Hannah “Melissa” Benjamin McMurray, William Elmer McMurray, Harry J. McMurray, Addie Belle McMurray, Roy McMurray, and Ray McMurray (baby)
1974_02_40th Wedding Anniversary of Gertrude Belle (Broida) Cooper and Irving Israel Cooper.
George Anthony Roberts with his wife Ella V. Daniel Roberts and their three children: Ethel Gay Roberts standing in back on left, George Anthony Roberts, Jr. standing on right, and little Edith Mae Roberts between her beloved parents, circa 1904.
William Anderson Murrell and Cordelia (Talley) Murrell- possibly wedding photo? If so, would have been taken 1 Oct 1867 in Warren Co., IL.
“Two People Fell in Love,” song by Brad Paisley- see above article for more information.
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