“Jany 19 -74” may indicate that Anna Missouri (Springsteen) Beerbower began recording family events in the bible received from her father on that date. We also know that any dates that occurred before the date of presentation, 31 December 1873, may be subject to error, although most information has been verified with a few exceptions that will be noted.
Births | |
E. P. Beerbower Born June 28th-49Pickerington, O | Edgar Peter was the husband of Anna Missouri Springsteen; year b.was 1849. |
Anna M. Beerbower Born May 16th-54Indianapolis Ind 117 Spring St. | Anna Missouri Springsteen Beerbower, bible owner. Year b. was 1854. |
Robert Warson Beerbower Born June 16 187[?]126 Spring St. Indianapolis, Ind Tuesday | The first son of Edgar P. and Anna Missouri, b. 1874. |
Edgar Springsteen Beerbower Born Oct 19 187[?]263 Christian Ave, Indianapolis, Ind Thursday | The second child of Edgar P. and Anna Missouri, born 1876. Given his mother’s maiden name as his middle name. |
Mary Emma Beerbower Born April 22 1880 ThursdayBrightwood, IndMarion Co. | Third child of Edgar P. and Anna Missouri Springsteen Beerbower. |
Anna May. Born May 25th-81- 9 pm ThursdayAt 264 East Ohio St. Indianapolis | Fourth child of Anna Missouri and Edgar P.; year b. was 1881. |
Willie Beerbower Born[Fe?]b 14 1889 at Cairo Ill | Fifth and last child of Anna Missouri and Edgar P.; b. Feb 14, 1889. |
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Beerbower family bible.
2) Springsteen and Beerbower Family Group Records compiled over many years using bibles, census, and other data.
3) Edgar Peter Beerbower was called, “Ed” and I have seen him listed as “Edward.” Being that Edgar became a family name, I lean toward his name being “Edgar.”
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