Green Family, Broida Family (Click for Family Tree)

Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Abraham Green (1866-1931) and Rose Brave/Braef/Brafe Green (1866-1936) had four children: Ann Green, Estelle Gertrude Green, Bess Dorothy Green, Herman L. Green, and Mary Cecelia Green (1895-1991; never married).
2) Gertrude Broida was the only child of Bess Dorothy Green and Philip Broida. Gertrude married Irving I. Cooper.
3) Preston M. Green (1915-2003) and Harold B. Green (1922-2007) were the sons of Herman L. Green (1894-1973) and Bess Catlin Green (1893-1951).
4) Sarah “Jane” Ledwidge (1907-1991) and Helen D. “Sis” Ledwidge (1911-1980) were the daughters of Estelle Green (1887-1977) and Charles Patrick Ledwidge (1882-1959). Jane married married 1) Roy Barton Marshall with whom she had Charles Roy Joseph “Tex” Marshall (1929-1993); and 2) Unknown Burnham, with James Burnham, Norraine “Raynie” Paul, and Patrick Burnham their children. Sis married Edgar A. Bill (1907-1996) but they had no children.
5) Esther S. Stampfer was the daughter of Ann Green (1885- ) and her first husband, Samuel Stampfer (1882-1967). Esther married James Alexander Hall (1902-1994).
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