It’s Ladies Day in the Green Family Photo Album series. (OK, one cigar-chomping man too. Not sure who he is or how he got on that page.)
The woman in the white dress on the left above may be Bess Dorothy Green. The pose, seen frequently in the album, may be to show off the Gibson Girl-like very slender waist so fashionable at the time.

The woman on the left with glasses may be Bess Dorothy Green.

This is one of the pages that makes a family historian crazy- are the two women in the close-ups the same woman? We thought they were both Bess Green at different ages, but a picture on the previously-posted page 36 (Five Family Photos for Friday) is either a double exposure or there are two very similar-looking women in the family. (No story about twins in the family that we know of.) As far as one of the pictures being from an earlier date, this album seems to have photos from approximately the same time period, though we can’t know that for sure since we recognize so few of the persons. Anyone with other Green family photos, please let us know if you can help solve this mystery.

Possibly mother and daughter above? But who???

Minnie Weast per name listed in album- unknown how she might be related.
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Family oral history and Green Family Photo Album.
Please contact us if you would like higher resolution images.
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