Wedding of Joseph Cooper to Bess __, sometime after December 1934. From left: Gertrude (Broida) Cooper, Joseph’s son Irving I. Cooper (married to Gertrude), Joseph Cooper, his wife Bess ( ___ ) Cooper, his sister Rose Cooper (later married to Ruby Gale), and sister Loretta (Cooper) Ribicoff/Ribakow. Family photo. (Click to enlarge.)
Joseph Baer Cooper (1873-1955) remarried sometime after the death of his first wife, Helen Freda Cooper (1873-1934; Cooper was also her maiden name, as she was his second cousin). Since Helen died 24 December 1834, he most likely remarried in 1935 or later. We have been unable to find a marriage record for Joseph and his second wife, Bess ___- her maiden name is unknown. Marriage records for Pennsylvania have been searched, as Joseph lived there at the death of his first wife, and possibly until at least 02 July 1946, per the obituary of his sister, Lillian (Cooper) Blostein. New York and Florida marriage records have also been searched unsuccessfully, even though they lived in Florida, where Joseph died.
We would really like to know more about Bess (__) Cooper. We know that she survived Joseph, and was living in Miami Beach, Dade, Florida on 21 July 1955 when he died. Joseph was buried beside his first wife in New York. We have been unable to find information about the death of Bess or where she is buried.
Identification of wedding party at marriage of Joseph Cooper to Bess __, sometime after December 1934. Names written by Gertrude Broida Cooper. Family photo. (Click to enlarge.)
The above identification of the wedding party/guests was written by Joseph’s daughter-in-law, Gertrude (Broida) Cooper. Note that she wrote the names on the back of the photo, placing them behind the person on the front side. Thus, these names should be reversed when looking at the photo, or read from right to left.
Notes, Sources, and References:
Photo source- family treasure.
Obituary of Lillian Cooper Blostein, Elmira Star Gazette, 02 Jul 1946.
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Charles Springsteen (or Thomas Jefferson Springsteen) of Indianapolis, Indiana, c1863? Cropped from family portrait.
Notes, Sources, and References:
We have been unable to find any family with other pictures of these two to help differentiate them. Four years separate them in age, with Thomas Jefferson Springsteen being the older. We think the young man above that is labeled as Thomas Jefferson is the older, but hard to tell. He used “Thomas” sometimes and “Jeff” others, it seems, so again, hard to pin these folks down.
Thomas Jefferson Springsteen, sometimes called “Jeff” is not found in the History of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana, by B.R. Sulgrove, Philadelphia, 1884.
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Four Generations of Springsteens: Jefferson Springsteen, seated, with his great-grandson William Francis Helbling. Standing on left is Jefferson’s daughter Anna Missouri (Springsteen) Beerbower, and her daughter, Anna May (Beerbower) Helbling, mother of little William. Taken November, 1906.
Jefferson Springsteen (1820-1909), married Anna Connor (1824-1887).
Anna Missouri Springsteen (1854-1939) married Edgar Peter Beerbower (1849-1916).
Anna May Beerbower (1881-1954) married William Gerard Helbling (1882-1971).
William Francis Helbling (1906-1907) died at age 15 and one-half months.
Notes, Sources, and References:
Family treasure chest of photos, provided by a dear cousin- thank you!
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Marriage License Request- Edward Roberts and Rosy Stewart, 24 February 1800. Received from a cousin many years ago, unknown source- likely Clark County, Kentucky Records.
We posted the marriage bond of Edward Roberts and Rosy Stewart (“Robbards” and “Steward” in most documents) on Monday in “Amanuensis Monday: Marriage Bond for Edward Roberts and Rosy Stewart, 1800.” Sorting through my Roberts files, I realized I had a copy of their request for a marriage license. Charles Stewart signed the document, and Rosy Stewart made her mark. This document appears to have been transcribed from the original, or written up by a clerk, as it appears the handwriting is the same throughout. This note was then to be given to Mr. Bullock, the first county clerk of Clark County, Kentucky.
February 24th- 1800 Clarke Countye
Sir/ please to give out mareg lisens for
Edward Robbards and Rosey Steward and
you will oblige your and so forth
Charles Steward & Rosey Steward
+ her mark
To Mr bullock-Clarck
This document was dated 24 February 1800. Charles Stewart may have been Rosy’s father, but maybe not- he could have been a brother, uncle, etc. When he and Rosy requested the marriage license, it is likely that they were told a marriage bond was required before the ceremony could take place. So on 25 February 1800, a marriage bond was signed by Edward Robbards (Roberts), the groom, and Charles Stewart, as Rosy’s representative. The couple was legally married on 27 February 1800.
This document gives us two other facts: Charles Stewart could at least write his name, but Rosy could not.
“Kentucky Marriages, 1802-1850” by JordanDodd, Operations Inc., Publisher, 1997.
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In the early days of our country, communities policed themselves by making the whole group responsible for keeping everyone legal. Marriage, of course, was one of the most important legal events- paternity and inheritance were very much affected by a marriage, thus there were certain rules for a betrothed couple to follow.
Generally, ‘marriage banns’ were read and/or posted at the church or meeting house each week for three successive weeks. By announcing their intention to marry, the couple was open to community scrutiny. Anyone could come forward and declare some legal reason they should not be married. (“Speak now or forever hold your peace.”) These reasons included that the prospective bride, groom, or both, were either:
a) already married to someone else
b) too young to marry, and/or
c) too closely related, such as first cousins
If a couple planned to be married in a place where one or both were not well known, or if the marriage was to take place quickly, they would provide a marriage bond instead of banns. Since our ancestors Edward Roberts and Rosey Stewart lived out on the frontier of our country (Kentucky in 1800), there might not have been a church or minister nearby to read or publish banns. Marriage bonds were also a southern custom, and common in the mid-Atlantic states as well. (The Roberts family may have lived in the mid-Atlantic states prior to Kentucky, but that’s another post.)
The marriage bond would stipulate that if there was later found some legal reason that the couple should not have been married, the bondsman would pay the Governor of the state an agreed-upon sum of money as a penalty. The groom would sign, and the bride would be represented by a male usually of her family, since women had few legal rights. Her representative was the bondsman, and often her father, but could be another male such as a brother, guardian, uncle, family friend, etc., or even (!) her mother if no other male was available.
Contrary to popular belief today, a marriage bond was NOT a guarantee that a marriage would take place. If the couple did not follow through with the marriage, the bond did not have to be paid at all. It would only be paid after the marriage and only if the union was found to have been illegal, such as the bride being underage.
Outer paper of Stewart-Roberts File. Note spelling of names. (Click to enlarge.)
It is amazing to be able to see this marriage bond that was written 216 years ago! It was signed on 25 February 1800, and Edward and Rosey were married two days later in Clark County, Kentucky. A Charles Stewart signed the bond to represent Rosey, and many researchers (myself included) have thought that meant he was her father. He might be, but he could also have been the only relative she had in Kentucky at that time. So we do need more research to prove her father.
Following is my transcription of the document. Some of the words are hard to make out, so please let us know if you think there should be some changes to the transcription.
Know all men by these presents
that we Edward Robbards & Chas. Steward are held
and firmly bound unto James Garrard, Esq’r Governor
of this commonwealth & his successors in the sum
of Fifty pounds to which payment well & tru-
ly to be made to the Said Governor & his successors we
bind ourselves our heirs Exers [Executors] & AD’mos (Administrators) jointly Severa-
ly firmly by these presents Sealed and Dated this
25th Day of Feby 1800
The Condition of the above
is such that whereas there is a marriage
Shortly intended to be had & Solemized between
the above bound Edwd Robbards & Rosey
Steward if therefore there be no lawful
cause to obstruct the same then this obligation
to be void else to remain in full force
Sealed & Delivered Edward Robbards [seal]
in presents [large mark- X] Charles Steward [seal]
Notes, Sources, and References:
An ‘amanuensis’ (ə-măn′yo͞o-ĕn′sĭs) is a person who takes dictation or who copies a literary work. It is Latin for “slave at handwriting.” It is also used for someone who transcribes.
Marriage bond from Clark County, Kentucky, possibly county clerk’s office. Received from a cousin many, many years ago.
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