Beerbower-Peters Family Bible- Marriages (Click to enlarge.)
Beerbower Family
Samuel T. Beerbower and
Irene L. Peters married January 18th 1867
Cornell R Beerbower and
Mabel Barnard married April 26th 1904
Helen M. Beerbower and
Paul M. Prettyman married Sept. 24th, 1929
Beerbower-Peters Family Bible- Deaths (Click to enlarge.)
Grandpa Willard Russell died November 3rd 1872.
Wilson Peters Beerbower died August 18th 1877.
Father Nathan Peters died Sept 22nd 1881
Alice Peters Williams died 8 Setember [“85” written in pencil] 1889
Lucia Cady Russell died June 17th 1890
Samuel T. Beerbower died July 12th 1902
Mother- Mary C. Russell- Ballantine died Dec 18th 1850.
Harvey Peters died January 1st 1883
Jane Peters Haney Mch. 3rd 1863.
Wilson Peters died Aug. 8th 1908
Pauline Peters_Durfee- Hummer died 1923
Irene L. Peters Beerbower died Nov 18th 1924
Mary Ellen Peters-Camp died Aug 14, 1927
Olive Southwick Peters died Jan. 1925
Cornell Russell Beerbower- died May 18 1929
Paul M. Prettyman Dec. 3, 1949
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Bible images courtesy of the Marion County Historical Society, Marion, Ohio. (Thank you for your generosity.)
2) Transcription completed by the author. Please advise of any errors known in transcription or to information in bible.
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Beerbower-Peters Family Bible- Births. Courtesy of Marion County Historical Society, Marion, Ohio. (Click to enlarge.)
Beerbower Family
Samuel T. Beerbower was born November 10th 1842
Irene L. Peters was born February 19th 1846
Cornell B. Beerbower was born June 18th 1870.
Wilson Peters Beerbower was born August 14th 1876.
Fathers Family
Nathan Peters born June 20th 1799 married
first to Alice Wilson feb 2nd 1843
Alice Wilson born
second marriage to Mary C. Russell. Ballantine
Mary C. Russell Ballantine born Sept. 4th 1820
Children of first wife-
Wilson Peters born Nov 27th 1825 married to
Olive Southwick [Editor’s Note: maiden name was Smith; married Corydon Southwick 1st, then Wilson Peters.]
Harvey Peters born March 4th 1828 married to
Martha Boyd. December 29th 1864
Charlotte Peters born Jan 10th 1830 married to
Alonzo Baker March 12th 1850 died Apr 12th 1895
George Peters born June 18th 1832
Pauline Peters ” July 7th 1834 married to
Bradford Durfee. April 6th 1858 second marriage Dec 19th 18– [cut off scan]
Jane Peters born Aug 29th 1836. Married to John D. Haney (?)
Infant born- Oct 14th 1838.
Second children
Mary Ellen Peters born Dec 18th 1843 married to William C [cut off in scan]
Irene Lewella Peters ” Feb 19th 1846- married to-
Samuel T. Beerbower ” Jan 13th 1867.
Alice Lunetta Peters born Aug 14th 1850- married
James J. Williams
[Editor’s Note: Middle name of Irene L Peters corrected 3/22/15.]
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Bible images courtesy of the Marion County Historical Society, Marion, Ohio.
2) Transcription completed by the author. Please advise of any errors known in transcription or to information in bible.
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Samuel T. Beerbower’s opinion of an expensive dog. Courtesy of Marion [Ohio] Daily Star for non-profit use only. 28 Nov 1878, Vol. II, No. 45 (Whole no.355), Page 3 via Family
Were you the class clown? Do you have a dry sense of humor? Does ‘curmudgeon’ even begin to describe you? If you answered, “Yes” to any of these and you are a Beerbower descendant, you may share some of Samuel T. Beerbower’s genes!
Reading the old newspapers is very entertaining. It is great to see what was funny to people of that time, to see the terminology and ‘buzz words’ of the day, and just learn what our ancestors were doing that got them into trouble in school or with the neighbors.
Following are a few more newspaper articles about Sam Beerbower that tickled or made me say, “What???”
Samuel T. Beerbower killed large squirrel. Marion [Ohio] Daily Star, 03 Jun 1879, Vol. 2, No. 202 (Whole no. 512), Page 4, column 2, via Posted with permission for non-profit use only.“Accidentally”??? How does one shoot a squirrel ‘accidentally’? Was he such a bad shot that the newspaper considered it an accident if he actually hit it?
Back then, everything and everyone was fair game, and if the local newspaper editor was an acerbic individual, nothing was sacred and no one was safe from the mighty pen- er, printing press.
26 rats killed by dogs at Postmaster [Samuel T.] Beerbower’s. Marion [Ohio] Daily Star, 05 June 1878, Vol. III, No. 346, Page 1, via Posted with permission for non-profit use only.This was first page news. A slow news day, perhaps? Or a dig at Sam that there were 26 rats at his place? Or is it kudos for a job well done by the dogs? We will never know.
Samuel T. Beerbower, Postmaster, and the Candidate. Marion Daily Star, 05 Feb 1881, page 4, with permission for non-profit use only.
This was a part of a ‘tour’ through the city streets of Marion, Ohio, written in a folksy way. Other news in that issue was about candidates for office, and those might have influenced this story. Read the latter section aloud to help understand it, if needed, though I have no idea about what ‘faithful Billy’ would be carrying. An archaic use of ‘poke’ was for a bag or pocket, so maybe it means the bags of mail?
Newspaper articles such as these give us a good idea of the context of our ancestor’s time, and help to ‘flesh out’ a real person who is more than names, dates, and places. It tells us the real history of our family, and helps us get to know our ancestors just a little bit better.
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) All newspaper articles cited in captions.
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Winterset, Iowa, 1907. “Winterset, Iowa – 1907” by FJ Bandholts – Library of Congress. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Beerbower Family
A Beerbower living in Egypt? Shanghai, China? Yes, there was, and she was living in those places, not just visiting.
We often think of our ancestors, especially those born in the 1800s, as staying in one place for much of their lives. Some of our ancestors, however, were world travelers. It would be so interesting to have them tell us their stories themselves!
Sadly, I have not found a diary or other information to detail daily life for Bertha Beatrice Beerbower, but can describe a bit of her life and travels.
Bertha was the youngest of three children born to Samuel Beerbower (1824-1890) and his wife Nance “Jane” Huggins Beerbower (1834-1930); she was the granddaughter of Caspar J. Bierbower (1782-1851) and Christina Reiber Bierbower (1784-1849). She would be a cousin, as her father Samuel was the younger brother of our ancestor, Eleazer John Beerbower.
Samuel and family moved from Marion, Ohio between 1870 and 1876, where Bertha was born 3 January 1876 in Winterset, Madison County, Iowa. Winterset is just 30 miles southwest of Des Moines, Iowa, and in 1870, the population was 1,485. The town was growing though, and by 1880 had 2,583 residents.
Berth’s siblings were quite a bit older- Olive was 21 when Bertha was born, and Casper 17; their mother age 42. Ollie passed away when Bertha was just 3, and Casper married when Bertha was 4, so she was, for all purposes, an only child.
Roseman Covered Bridge, Madison County, Iowa. Wikimedia Commons.
Madison County, Iowa, is located on a a beautiful prairie, with hills and rivers running through. It is famous for its covered bridges, such as Roseman Bridge, which was built in 1883. Of the original 19 bridges built in the late 1800s, there are six still standing, built 1870-1883, and they are listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. (The reference number for Roseman Bridge is 76000792.) Doubtless Bertha and her family traveled over these bridges many times, and may have picnicked along the banks.
Madison County, Iowa, Courthouse. GFDL, Wikimedia.
Winterset was the county seat, and the old courthouse, which burned, was replaced the year Bertha was born, in 1876. This would have been a familiar sight in the downtown shopping area for Bertha and family.
Bertha married Benjamin Franklin Bare (1874-1951) on 25 May 1895 (or 15 Dec 1895 or 1896- need to verify date) in Winterset, so they would have visited the courthouse to obtain their marriage license. They had one child, Robert Osborne Bare (1901-1980), and lived in Winterset through the 1920 census. Benjamin, like his father, operated a grocery store and bakery in Winterset. He was also very interested in that new-fangled invention the automobile, owned one of the first in Madison County, and even offered a taxi service around 1900.
Robert and Bertha divorced after 1920 (1918 per some researchers, but they are found together in the 1920 census, along with 18 y/o Robert). Bertha was noted alone as a roomer in the 1925 census for Winterset, so the divorce likely took place between 1920-1925.
Bertha was a schoolteacher. She likely taught in the US, but she also taught in a girl’s school in Cairo, Egypt, after her enumeration in the 1925 Iowa census.
Tourists on camels near the Great Pyramid. Egypt, Gizeh,1904. Public Domain, Wikipedia.
Life in Egypt would have been very different than that in Winterset, Iowa! King Tutankhamun’s tomb had been discovered in 1922, and the romance of ancient Egypt permeated cultures far and wide around the world during that time period. Architecture, jewelry, and home decor reflected the new-found riches of the tomb. It would have been an exciting adventure for Bertha to be in that part of the world during that time, and especially for a single woman.
There are passenger records for her departure from Bremen, Germany, on 12 Aug 1932 with her arrival a week later in New York on the ship, Columbus. She may have traveled from Egypt to Germany for her passage to the states.
Bird’s eye view of the Bund in 1930. Displayed at the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center. Public Domian, Wikipedia.
Bertha also taught at a school in Shanghai, China. (We are not sure of the timetable of when she taught where overseas.) China was still not very “open” to Westerners at that time, so she would have probably delighted to see the old culture. The 1930s were tumultuous years in China- there were skirmishes between the Nationalist party and the Communists, with Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) battling for the country. Additionally, the Japanese had occupied parts of the country from 1931-1945, and committed many war atrocities against the civilian population. Bertha must have been very brave to stay through it all! But what a view she had of world history in the making- the occupation during the Sino-Japanese War became a part of World War II, in which Bertha’s son later served in the Marine Corps as a General of the Allied amphibious forces in the Pacific Theatre.
Bertha’s son Robert O. Bare and his wife Elizabeth Lowes Bare were listed on a passenger list for the ship Henderson which arrived in San Francisco on 19 Nov 1927 from Qinhuangdao, China. Perhaps they had been visiting Bertha? (Alternatively, Robert may have been stationed in China and his wife accompanied him.)
[UPDATE 6/5/15: We now know that Robert was stationed in China at one point, so perhaps this was their return rather than a visit.]
Bertha is listed on the manifest of the M.S. Chichibu Maru which sailed from Yokohama Japan on July 15th, 1938, and arrived at the Port of Los Angeles on July 31st, 1938. Her destination in the United States was the “American College for girl Winterset Iowa.” There is no one else listed on that page with the same name, nor same hometown or destination, so it appears she was traveling alone. Leaving Asia in 1938 was a wise choice, as more war was imminent.
Bertha moved to Annapolis, Maryland after she returned from her travels and retired from teaching. She died there, on 24 Apr 1950 after a long illness. She is buried in the Winterset City Cemetery.
2) Roseman Bridge image from Wikimedia:,_Iowa#/media/File:Roseman_Bridge.jpg. The bridge was used in the 1995 movie, The Bridges of Madison County.
4) 1932 Passenger list: Year: 1932; Arrival: New York, New York; Microfilm Serial: T715, 1897-1957; Microfilm Roll: Roll 5207; Line: 11; Page Number: 41. New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
5) M. S. Chichibu Maru manifest: California, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1882-1959 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008. Page 947/1076 on Ancestry, No. 104 written in on list. Original data: Selected Passenger and Crew Lists and Manifests. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
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Mary Emma Beerbower’s birth announcement in the Marion [Ohio] Daily Star, 26 Apr 1880. Posted with kind permission of the newspaper for non-profit use only. What a joyous news note- the birth of a daughter to Edgar “Ed” Peter Beerbower and Anna Missouri (Springsteen) Beerbower!
This cherished daughter was born 22 April 1880. She was named Mary Emma Beerbower, likely after her paternal aunt, Mary Emma (Beerbower) Ligenfelter, who was 3 years younger than her brother Ed.
A Marion, Ohio newspaper printed this story, since Ed and his father, Eleazer John Beerbower, his mother, Matilda Louise McElvey Beerbower, and their other children, were former residents of Marion. (It was also a way to increase newspaper sales in another city- a common ploy by savvy newspapers.) Ed’s brother Samuel T. Beerbower still lived in Marion, and was the postmaster, so the news would be of interest to many in the town.
Ed and Anna Beerbower had already had 2 sons, Robert Warson Beerbower, born 1874, and Edgar Springsteen Beerbower, born 1876. There was then a gap of about three and a half years before dear Mary Emma was born. Two more children would later be born to Ed and Anna: Anna May Beerbower, b. 1881, and Willie Beerbower, b. 1889, but Willie only lived one day.
Samuel T. Beerbower and his wife, Irene L. Peters, had only two known children, both sons: Cornell R. Beerbower (b. 1870) and Wilson Beerbower, birthdate unknown but probably in the 1870s; he only lived one year and a few days.
Little Mary Emma’s grandparents, Eleazer and Matilda Beerbower, were still alive and living in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1880, and must have been thrilled to finally have a granddaughter. Other children of Eleazer and Matilda would give them more grandchildren in later years.
Note the play on words: “Brightwooder be the smiles…” instead of “Bright would be the smiles.” The writer refers to Brightwood, where the daughter was born, a residential area then northeast of Indianapolis, Indiana.
We have real privacy concerns today, but it’s really not that new, except the scope- the newspapers of old could print pretty much what they wanted and usually filled their columns with all sorts of goings on in the town, along with editorial content in the news pages. The birth of a niece was probably a happy event for Samuel and his wife Irene, especially with the 3+ year gap in children for Anna and Ed Beerbower, when they may have lost another child not known. Sadly, the newspaper sort of rubs in the fact that Samuel and Irene do not have a daughter of their own- that probably hurt deeply, as anyone who has lost a child or been unable to have as many as they wish would know.
The sadness continues though… despite being a healthy 8- 1/2 pounds at birth, baby Mary Emma Beerbower only lived just over two months. The Beerbower family bible states
Mary Emma Beerbower
June 29th 1880 Aged
9 weeks, 5 days
Brightwood, Ind.”
Newspaper article about telgram re: death of Mary Emma Beerbower, in the March 30th, 1880 issue of the Marion [Ohio] Daily Star. Posted with kind permission of the newspaper for non-profit use only.The telegram was dated 29 June,, but states that the infant died “yesterday, at 4 p.m.” making her actual death date 28 Jun 1880. The paper notes her burial is to be July 1st, but the Find A Grave record for Mary Emma in Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis, Indiana, notes that she was buried 29 Aug 1880, quite a long time from the bible and telegram death date.
Mary Emma is buried in Section 22, Lot 894, which is not by the remaining family’s lots.
Even though the news is first happy but ultimately sad here, one bright spot to an intrepid family historian is that the first article tells where Ed Beerbower worked- the CCC & IRR office, so we may be able to find some railroad worker records for him now that we know the line and a date.
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Birth announcement in Marion [Ohio] Daily Star, April 26, 1880, Volume III, No. 170, Page 4, Column 2. Posted with kind permission of the newspaper for personal, non-profit use only.
2) 1880 US Federal Census for Eleazer and Matilda (McElvey) Beerbower: Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana; Roll: 295; Family History Film: 1254295; Page: 227B; Enumeration District: 113; Image: 0156.
3) Death telegram news story in Marion [Ohio] Daily Star, April 26, 1880, Volume III, No. 225, Page 4, Column 2. Posted with kind permission of the newspaper for personal, non-profit use only.
4) Mary Emma Beerbower’s Find A Grave Memorial #45869800:
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