Private Charles Francis Marion Underwood of the United States Army- Infantry died of pneumonia technically, made worse by the Spanish influenza he contracted after entering the US Army. He died in the Fort Brady, Michigan, Post Hospital.
Death certificate of Charles F. M. Underwood, Chippewa County, Michigan. (Click to enlarge.)
According to the death certificate, Charley had pneumonia for 7 days, and the flu for 6, though it may have been the other way around. The doctor also notes he attended Charley for 12 days, so there are some problems with accuracy on the death certificate. With the large number of deaths and ill soldiers due to the Spanish influenza, however, some errors are understandable.
The death certificate also has his birth year and age wrong- he was actually born on 19 May 1888, not 1898, so was 30 years old at his death, not 20.
Charley’s body was removed the next day to Bollinger, Missouri, where he was buried at Old Trace Creek Cemetery, Glenallen, Bollinger County, Missouri.
The base of the stone has such a bittersweet inscription.
Charles Francis Marion Underwood- headstone in Old Trace Creek Cemetery, Glenallen, Bollinger, Missouri- closeup of base. Family photo.
“He left his home in perfect health. He looked so young and brave.
We little thought that soon he’d be laid in a soldier’s grave.”
Notes, Sources, and References:
Family treasure chest of photos and ephemera.
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Certificate from France received by Elizabeth Adeline (Rickman) Underwood honoring her son Charles F. M. Underwood for his service and death in World War I. (Click to enlarge.)
Whitener Family, Underwood Family(Click for Family Tree)
Translation (approximate):
“Mort pour la liberte pendant la grande guerre hommage de la France” is:
"died for freedom during the Great War- tribute of France"
Notes, Sources, and References:
Family treasure chest of photos and ephemera.
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On this Labor Day, it is fitting to mention one of the most important labors in our country- that of protecting our country via service in the military. Whether it was in the local militia to protect a town, the National Guard protecting our cities and states, or our national Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines, the men and women who serve protect our valuable freedoms 24/7/365. We do not have the words in our language- or any language!- to thank them enough for their sacrifice.
Charles Francis Underwood was one of those who left home to fight in World War I. He was the son of Joseph Abner Underwood (1847-1930) and Elizabeth Adeline (Rickman) Underwood (1855-1936), and probably born in Crooked Creek, Bollinger, Missouri. We told a bit about the Charles and the family in an earlier post, “Sibling Saturday: The Underwood Family in 1904.”
Charles registered for the draft, as required, at age 29 on 5 June 1917.
5 June 1917 draft registration of Charles F.M. Underwood, front of card. (Click to enlarge.)
(Love that he used “Charley” instead of “Charles” as part of his very long name.)
5 June 1917 draft registration of Charles F.M. Underwood, reverse of card. (Click to enlarge.)
Charley was 6’1″ tall, medium build, and had gray eyes and dark hair. Despite him working as a farmer, which he probably also did as a child, and a “gigman” in a lead mine- both dangerous occupations- he listed no disabilities. He was unmarried.
Charley went back to work on his farm after registering for the draft, but he and his family likely paid close attention to the news of how World War I was proceeding. Just a week or so after Charley’s 30th birthday, his life changed forever.
Charley was not in the first groups of men drafted, as he was a bit older, but he did receive the following notice dated 20 May 1918.
1918- Order of Induction – Charles Francis Underwood. (Click to enlarge.)
Charley was to report just one week later, at 3pm on 27 May 1918, to the Marble Hill Missouri Draft Board for induction into the United States Army. He was going off to fight in “the present emergency,” or World War I.
We have been unable to determine if Charley ever made it overseas. He may not have, as he contracted the terrible Spanish influenza which killed more of our soldiers and young people around the world than the war itself. Boot camps and training areas would allow fast spread of the very contagious disease. If Charley had contracted it overseas, he would likely have died there, it seems, rather than be transported to Sault Sainte Marie, Chippewa, Michigan, where he died of the flu on 22 October 1918. (More research needed here.)
So thank you, Charley, and all the other family members who have served our country and protected our freedoms, and especially those who lost their lives in its defense. (Thank you to those who are not family members, too!) On this Labor Day we honor your work and your sacrifice, as we should every other day that we are privileged to live in this great country.
A true description of a “gigman” in a mine has been challenging to find, but they often were at the ‘pithead’ or near the main mining section, and apparently had some authority and responsibility for safety as well as probably making sure the work was proceeding properly.
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Children of Newton Whitener and Sophia (Whitener) Whitener – (from left) Hazel Whitener, John Whitener, Birdie Caroline Whitener, 1907
Siblings often depend on each other throughout their lifetime, especially in previous eras. They would migrate together, work together, pray together, play together, and even raise children together.
Fredericktown, Madison County, Missouri 1904
The story goes that Sophie nee/Whitener Whitener (Yes, her maiden name was Whitener and she was a cousin to her husband.) delivered her last baby in September of 1904.
The child John Newton Whitener was very tiny. There is no recorded birth weight but it is apparent that he was premature. It is said that a small teacup would easily fit over his head.
Sophie was ill and had the premonition that she would not survive. She had also lost three other children that had deceased early in their lives. (This was in addition to five other children that grew to adulthood. It was a total of nine recorded children after her marriage in September 11, 1881.)
It is said that she called for her sister in law, Mary Whitener Sitzes, and gave the baby to her. “Mary, I want you to raise Johnnie. I don’t think you will.” (This was because of the baby’s tiny size- his survival was unlikely.)
John and Mary Whitener Sitzes accepted that challenge. They lived about three miles outside of Marquand, Madison County, Missouri.
On a cold November day in 1904 with heated stones to provide warmth for the child in an open buggie/wagon, John and Mary carried John Whitener from Fredricktown, Missouri, to Marquand, Missouri (15 miles) and then to their home (3 miles further). There they raised John.
Sophia Elizabeth (Whitener) Whitener, 1904
Sophie Whitener died 14 Nov 1904, two months after John’s birth.
John called Mary and John Sitzes “Mom” and “Dad,” but he knew that Newton Whitener was his biological father.
Newton Frederick Whitener (widower of Sophie) raised his other children but never questioned Sophie’s wish.
John Whitener, 1906
I believe that my brothers and I owe our very existence to the love the Aunt Mary Sitzes poured out on my dad, John Whitener.
By James Richard Whitener
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) John Newton Whitener was born on 15 Sep 1904, and lived to be 67 years old.
2) Family oral tradition per Ethel Underwood Whitener.
10) The Whitener Family from 1717 to 1965 – Vol. II – by Virginia Whitener Crowe and Fletcher Standefer Crowe (p. 42).
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Copyright 2013-2014 by Heritage Ramblings Blog, pmm, and James R. Whitener.
We would love to read your thoughts and comments about this post, and thank you for your time! All comments are moderated, however, due to the high intelligence and persistence of spammers/hackers who really should be putting their smarts to use for the public good instead of spamming our little blog.
Grave site of Charles Underwood – Old Trace Creek Church Cemetery, Bollinger County, Missouri
Armistice Day
Ethel Underwood Whitener always remembered where she had been on 11-11-11. (That was the 11th month, the 11th day and the 11th hour, 1918).
As a fourteen year old girl, she was walking across the field from her home down toward her grandparents home. This is probably a 20 minute walk on a pleasant day. At 11 A.M. the Old Trace Creek Church bells tolled indicating the signing of the Armistice. Although this was in Bollinger County, southeast Missouri, and in the US central time zone, it was a celebration of an event that had occurred earlier in France which officially ended World War I.
Just a few days before that she had been one of those who mourned at the burial of her uncle – Charles Underwood (1888-1918). He was a casualty of the Great Influenza Epidemic. His body had been returned to his home after service in the US Army. There had not been too many people at that service because of fear in the community of the contagion of the disease.
When she got to her grandparents’ home, her grandmother Elizabeth Adeline (Rickman) Underwood was standing on the porch. She said, “They won’t get any more of my boys.”
(Elizabeth was the mother of Emroe, Will, John, Zach and Charles Underwood. Ethel was the oldest daughter of Will and Nellie.)
By James Richard Whitener
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Whitener family oral history
2) Elizabeth Adeline (Rickman) Underwood on Find A Grave:
3) The “Spanish Flu” or “La grippe”outbreaks of 1918-1919 were more deadly than war. WWI caused the death of an estimated 16 million persons; the flu pandemic, however, killed over 50 million people worldwide, or one-fifth of the population. Young adults, a population normally not as widely affected by such viruses, were hit very hard by this influenza, as were the young and elderly. Over 25% of the US population was affected by this flu (ten times as many as were lost in “The Great War”, and life expectancy in this country decreased by 12 years in 1918. One half of the American soldiers lost in WWI died from influenza, not the enemy, as did Charles Underwood. Funerals were often regulated by the public health system to only 15 minutes, to avoid further spread of the disease.
“The Deadly Virus. The Influenza Epidemic of 1918.” A National Archives Exhibition (online). Accessed 11-12-13.
“The Influenza Pandemic of 1918.” Accessed 11-12-13.
4) Photo: Grave site of Charles Underwood – Old Trace Creek Church Cemetery, Bollinger County, Missouri.
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Copyright 2013 by Heritage Ramblings Blog, jrw & pmm.