- Edith M. Roberts- 8th Grade Graduation, 1914, and Rural Schoolhouses and Children
- Jasper County, Iowa Family and Friends- Do you know these folks?
- Roberts Family Photo Album- Babies and Families
- Roberts Family Photo Album- Teens and Adults
- In Honor of Memorial Day… some ROBERTS family soldiers
- Prairie City High School, circa 1914, in Jasper County, Iowa??

Roberts Family, Daniel Family, Murrell Family (Click for Family Tree)
Here is yet another of those photos- a story we would love to know! Father and son? Friends? Please do let us know if you know the story or can identify these men, or any of the people in the following photos from the Roberts Family Photo Album put together some time around 1910 to the 1920s, likely in Jasper County, Iowa. It was passed down to the descendants of George Anthony Roberts and Ella V. Daniel Roberts.

And now that young man has a girlfriend:

Here is the same young woman, but is it the same young man? His ears and nose seem quite a bit different.

Here is another young couple:

There are a number of young women in the photo album, one with maybe her mother:

While the cameras of that time apparently had some problems with light leaks and did not always advance film properly, having even these not-perfect pictures helps us imagine life for our ancestors.

The back of the above photo states, “Mar. 24, ’18 Ivan Axlell.” (Spelling is hard to decipher on second name.) We do have an Ivan Chester Murrell, born 1899 in Roseville, Illinois, so this would not be the same person. There were no children listed in the 1930 census when Ivan Chester was listed with his wife, Lillian Lukens Murrell, as living with her parents.

And a few more men to add to our “unidentified” listing from the Roberts Family Photo Album:

Plus a hard-working man in front of a barn:

Do you recognize any of these people? If you do, please scroll down to “Leave a comment” and let us know who they are! Even if you also have an unidentified copy of this photo, knowing what other family has it may help us narrow the possibilities. We each have different pieces of the puzzle… Thanks in advance.
Notes, Sources, and References:
- The numbers by the photos are for reference since we do not know many of the people in this album.
- “Roberts Family Photo Album” circa 1910-1925 or so. Images may have been taken in Jasper County, Iowa.
Click to enlarge any image. Please contact us if you would like an image in higher resolution.
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