BROIDA Family (Click for Family Tree)
A very kind photographer and tour guide in Israel has taken pictures of the final resting places of Samuel Abraham KARKLINSKY BROIDA (1887-1973) and his wife, Ida OSCHERWITZ BROIDA (1888-1975), which are side-by-side. It had been thought that they were buried in Mount of Olives, but this wonderful Find A Grave volunteer found their memorials in Sanhedria Cemetery in Jerusalem instead. He has even translated the stones for us, for which we are very grateful.
Sam’s stone reads:
Here lies Avraham Shmuel Broida, son of Ya’akov Ze’ev. One of the founders of HaMizrachi in the US, and a member of the Board of Chicago Yeshivot. Born in the year 5647 in Eišiškės (Lithuania), died in Chicago on 30 Shvat 5733, and interred in Jerusalem on 4 Adar Aleph 5733.

Ida’s stone reads:
Here lies our dear mother, devoted to her husband and her family, full of kindness and good-hearted. Alta Leah Devora Broida, daughter of Eliyahu Yitzhak Oscherwitz. Born in Cincinnati on 16 Shvat 5648, died in Chicago on 26 Sivan 5735, and interred on 30 Sivan 5735.
Sam Broida was a partner in Broida Brothers Dry Goods in St. Louis, Missouri. He and his wife moved to Chicago to run her family’s business, Best Kosher Meat Company. You can read more about Sam and Ida in the blog posts listed below.
Notes, Sources, and References:
- “Workday Wednesday- Samuel Broida and Broida Brothers Dry Goods”
https://heritageramblings.net/2015/02/18/workday-wednesday-samuel-broida-and-broida-brothers-dry-goods/ - “Travel Tuesday: S. A. Broida, Buyer in NYC,” https://heritageramblings.net/2018/02/20/travel-tuesday-s-a-broida-buyer-in-nyc/
- One tidbit of information shared by our kind photographer is that at least some of the cemeteries in Israel need to be searched using Hebrew names, not Americanized versions.
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