- John and Elizabeth Ann (Murrell) Roberts, at home in Prairie City, Jasper County, Iowa
- John and Elizabeth Ann (Murrell) Roberts, at home in Prairie City, Jasper County, Iowa- but when?
- John Roberts- A Walk around 108 N. Sherman, Prairie City, Iowa

Roberts Family (Click for Family Tree)
Here is one more image to go along with our last couple of posts about John and Lizzie Roberts and their home at 108 N. Sherman in Prairie City, Jasper County, Iowa.
This picture appears to have been taken the same day as the picture of John and Lizzie in front of their house, as the paper and mat it was in (not shown here) are the same. John is wearing the same clothes- not unusual though, since many men only had 1 or 2 good suits. He looks the same age, too, as in the previous photo. Unfortunately, though, no good clues here about when it was taken specifically, although it appears to be fall or early winter since most of the leaves are off the trees and shrubs.
The picture did help us know where it, and the other picture with Lizzie, were taken. Because there is another house or two across the street, we had a clue they were living in town, not still out on a farm. The roadway with its high curb also suggest town-life, since curbs are usually not poured for rural roadways.
Again, if you have a copy of this or the other picture in this series, please let us know. Hopefully your copy will have some identification!
Notes, Sources, and References:
- Family treasure chest of photos- thank you, family, for sharing!
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