- John and Elizabeth Ann (Murrell) Roberts, at home in Prairie City, Jasper County, Iowa
- John and Elizabeth Ann (Murrell) Roberts, at home in Prairie City, Jasper County, Iowa- but when?
- John Roberts- A Walk around 108 N. Sherman, Prairie City, Iowa

Edited 2/21/21: The house has been completely updated and is now for sale. The link listed in notes below has been updated by the company from the pictures of the house in a dilapidated condition in 2019. https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/108-N-Sherman-St_Prairie-City_IA_50228_M70834-34658
Roberts Family (Click for Family Tree)
Among our newly found family photo treasures is this image of John and Elizabeth “Lizzie” Ann (Murrell) Roberts. It was one of many photos of houses we found, and it was a bit challenging to determine where and when many of the images were taken. Relying on other photos in our archive helped, as did a bit of sleuthing.
You already know by the post title that this home was in Prairie City, but how did we determine that? The mat on the photo (not shown above) did not include a photographer’s name, unfortunately. One clue we did have was that it was the same house as the 1904 whole family portrait, which had an older, more Victorian-style paint scheme:

Having two possible dates for the family picture, it is logical to search both the 1900 and 1910 censuses to see where John and Lizzie were living. The 1910 US Federal Census placed John and Lizzie in Prairie City, possibly on Sherman St- the street is very hard to read on both the Ancestry.com and FamilySearch copies of the census, and the Ancestry.com indexing of the home being on “Hiams St.” and in Des Moines, Jasper [County is implied by genealogical convention of place names], Iowa are incorrect. There is currently no Hiams St. in Prairie City (although there could have been previously). The house was in Des Moines Township (not the city of Des Moines), Prairie City, Jasper County, Iowa, per the handwritten entries at the top of the census. (Check your original source and don’t depend on indexes or websites to transfer the right information to your tree!) The 1900 US Federal Census did not list street names nor addresses, but John and Lizzie were living in Prairie City then too. So the evidence highly suggested that this was a home in Prairie City.
Another family treasure is an old flyer that was prepared by the “Roberts Brothers- Groceries, Bottled Gas Ranges, Plumbing, Heating Pumps & Windmills.” The Roberts family had a hardware store in Prairie City until retiring and closing it in the last few years. The flyer featured three Roberts family photos that we also had pictures of and have posted about them, including the above family with the big house. The caption on the Roberts Brothers store flyer states, “This picture was taken of Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts, their children and grandchildren at their home in Prairie City in 1900 (now the Vande Kieft home).” Since the Roberts Brothers and their family had lived in Prairie City for so long, they were a reliable source of information about the family.
We have searched online to learn more about the address of the home, including looking up the Vande Kieft family, without good results. A next step was checking with the Prairie City library, asking if they had city directories. Their helpful librarian was able to identify the home as still standing at 108 N. Sherman St.! She also told us that the home was being refurbished a while back, but the work had apparently stopped, and she knew who owned the home. A search for that address told us that the home was “historic” and built by Hoyt Sherman. (See note #3.) The house was built in 1900, so we know the family photos taken with it could be no earlier than that date. The house has about 1,650 sq. ft, including one bathroom.
Sadly the home had fallen into disrepair, as mentioned, and in Feb, 2018, the City Council included the address as one of the abandoned homes the city was planning to review.
The kind librarian also put me in touch with a Roberts descendant! It was great to chat with someone who had lived in Prairie City and knew the people I have been researching for many years.
Please contact us if you have information to add.
Next- How we estimated the year of the picture with John and Lizzie Roberts and their home.
Notes, Sources, and References:
- “Treasure Chest Thursday: The John Roberts and Elizabeth Ann Murrell Roberts Family in 1900,” http://heritageramblings.net/2014/02/13/treasure-chest-thursday-the-john-roberts-and-elizabeth-ann-murrell-roberts-family-in-1900/
- An ad for the home when it was for sale some years ago– https://www.shoppok.com/desmoines/a,25,30656,1900-Historic-Home-built-by-Hoyt-Sherman–108-N–Sherman-St–.htm
- Hoyt Sherman was the brother of Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman and John Sherman, the author of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Hoyt moved to the western frontier, Fort Des Moines, in 1848. He was active in politics, and a principal in an insurance company, banks, etc. His beautiful home in Des Moines still stands and has been renovated, and a theater has been added and the home houses an art gallery. See http://hoytsherman.org/about/ and https://data.desmoinesregister.com/famous-iowans/hoyt-sherman for more information. He may have invested in the building of homes in Prairie City, which is only about 30 miles from DesMoines, but that remains to be verified.
- You can take a ‘tour’ of the neighborhood via Google and https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/108-N-Sherman-St_Prairie-City_IA_50228_M70834-34658
Click to enlarge any image. Please contact us if you would like an image in higher resolution.
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