Broida Family (Click for Family Tree)
It was not so long ago that genealogy mostly consisted of collecting names and dates and places, and plugging them into bland mimeographed copies of pedigree charts and boring Family Group Records. The stories, however, were always more interesting to me, and I am very happy that many of us are now “family historians” instead of just hard data collectors.
Searching for these stories plus the internet now help us find more than we could imagine even 15-20 years ago. The above picture is a case in point. Discovering Gitel Frank’s name on a passenger list on the internet was exciting enough, then finding a picture of the ship that carried Gitel almost 4,000 miles to New York was just wonderful. Stories of the ship’s history (including its sinking) added to our knowledge, as does this beautiful model of The SS Cimbria that was made by Szeibel László and posted on the “Shipmodell” website from Hungary.
Please do click on the link so that you can view the stepped-out images of the model shipbuilding process. The craftsmanship is amazing!
And do, please, ask permission to post or use pictures taken from the internet. It is only right from a legal/copyright standpoint, plus it is just the honest and polite thing to do. Most people are thrilled to be asked, and I got a very nice note from the owner of the shipmodell website. One person I asked about posting sent me additional pictures not on his website! The few minutes it took for requests really paid off.
Notes, Sources, and References:
- The SS Cimbria model, posted with the very kind permission of the site owner– http://www.shipmodell.com/index_files/SHIPMODELL_SS_CIMBRIA.htm
Click to enlarge any image. Please contact us if you would like an image in higher resolution.
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Family history is meant to be shared, but the original content of this site may NOT be used for any commercial purposes unless explicit written permission is received from both the blog owner and author. Blogs or websites with ads and/or any income-generating components are included under “commercial purposes,” as are the large genealogy database websites. Sites that republish original HeritageRamblings.net content as their own are in violation of copyright as well, and use of full content is not permitted. Descendants and researchers MAY download images and posts to share with their families, and use the information on their family trees or in family history books with a small number of reprints. Please make sure to credit and cite the information properly, i.e, reference this blog. Please contact us if you have any questions about copyright or use of our blog material.