Broida Family
It is interesting to see the homes of our ancestors, and today’s technology allows us to do that even when we live far away. (We can even see people renovating the yard!)
Google Maps is the first place that comes up when one enters the address on Google; often additional information will be linked as well. In this case, however, a search for “J. S. Broida Parkersburg WV” came up with the application for the Avery St. Historic District, which described the home, and then Google was the next place to look.

It is great to see the home and neighborhood being renovated in the GoogleMaps image (in April of 2012), and then to read a bit about the house as it was originally. Not too much has changed on the house as one can see by comparing the description for the neighboring home that was almost identical originally.
The above inventory listing tells us a bit about J.S. Broida, including the name of his partnership. More research could tell us if the oil producer G.E. Gilmore was living next door at the time the Broidas lived at 1318 Avery St.
Other websites like Zillow.com can tell us a bit about the house itself, today. The house has just over 2,000 square feet per Zillow, divided into 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. It may have only had one bath when it was built in 1907, and possibly less square footage, if someone has added on in the ensuing 110 years.
The 1910 US Federal Census lists the family in this home, so they may have been one of the first owners, since it was built in 1907. By 1918, when J.S. registered for the WWI draft, they had moved to 518 Thirteenth St. More research, such as city directories and deeds can help us determine the actual years the family lived in the home.
Notes, Sources, and References:
- Google Maps image– https://www.google.com/maps/place/1318+Avery+St,+Parkersburg,+WV+26101/@39.2724381,-81.5513084,3a,75y,102.05h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUbRZbPNvbBiyyv52ZXUlMQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x88484b7a869fe8dd:0xdfbf799c54d99ad5!8m2!3d39.2724039!4d-81.5510757
- Avery St Historic District Application– http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/wood/86000849.pdf
- Zillow information– https://www.zillow.com/homes/1318-avery-st-Parkersburg-West-Virginia_rb/
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