- Tuesday’s Tip: Sharing Clara Shrader’s Autograph Book
- Wordless Wednesday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Book
- Family Friends Friday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Book
- Sorting Saturday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Book
- Tuesday’s Tip: Posting Clara Shrader’s Autograph Album
- Wisdom Wednesday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Album
- Treasure Chest Thursday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Album
- Family Friends Friday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Book

Roberts Family (Click for Family Tree)
Clara Lilian Shrader’s autograph album is a treasure chest of names, dates, places, and sometimes relationships. For Clara, it would have also been a treasure chest full of sweet memories and love.
Scan 37, Vertical:
Clara alles remember the 2 of Dec 1884 at Oak Crick College
Scan 37, Horizontal:
Dec 2/84
Dear Clara.
I wish you wealth
I wish you health
I wish you friends by the score
I wish you Heaven after death
What could I wish you more
Your friend and Schoolmate
Ella Ramba

May love and happiness on the attend,
While I my best wishes send.
For your success in life
When you are someones patient wife.
C. Ramsey
Dec 3. 1884

Dear cousin Clara
These few lines to you are tendered
By a friend sincere and true
Hoping but to be remembered
When I’m far away from you
Your Friend
Ida L. Bennett
August 18 1885

Dec 25th 1884
Concordia Kan
Dear Clara
When this you see pray think of me
And bear me in your mind,
Let all the world say what it will
Speak of me as you find.
Your friend
Eliza Arkill

Concordia kans
Remember me your little niece
Daisy Shrader

Concordia, Kans
July 18. 1884
There are many flowers of summer
Who are kind while flowers bloom
But when winter chills the blossom
They depart with the perfume.
In the broad highway of action
Friends of worth are far and few
So when one has proved their friendship
Change them not for the new
Ever your friend
Mattie D______
Home, Miltonvale Kan
In memory & casket drop one pearl for me.

Compliments of J. H. _____
Peoria Ill.

Dear Cousin
Round went the autograph; hither it came
For me to write in; so here’s my name.
Eva J. Bennett
July 18th 1886

Were mine the power I’d twine for the a crown of jewels rare & each gem Should Be a kingdom Each Pearl an humble Rare
Notes, Sources, and References:
- Special thanks to John Roberts!
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