- Tuesday’s Tip: Sharing Clara Shrader’s Autograph Book
- Wordless Wednesday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Book
- Family Friends Friday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Book
- Sorting Saturday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Book
- Tuesday’s Tip: Posting Clara Shrader’s Autograph Album
- Wisdom Wednesday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Album
- Treasure Chest Thursday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Album
- Family Friends Friday: Clara Shrader’s Autograph Book

Roberts Family (Click for Family Tree)
Some of the autographs in this book have pearls of wisdom from the 1880s, expressions of friendship and love, and/or a hope of remembrance in years to come. It is nice to think of Clara many years later, maybe sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch, as she ages, reading through her autograph album thinking of family, friends, and students who were such an important part of her life in the 1880s.
Scan 21, above:
Dec the 24
Dear friend Clara
the hoop is rounded and has not end so is my love to you my friend

Clara L Shrader
Concordia Apr 12
To Clara
Let our love for each
Other forever endure
And all that we wish
For and hope for be sure
Truly yours

When on this page you chance to look,
Just think of me and close the book.
Leslie S.
Dear Teacher
Wishes I have many,
And good ones too;
But the sweetest and best
I give to you.
Your little Friend
Pearl Bonebrake

Compliments of M. C. Wagner
Concordia, Kan.

June the 6
May happiness ever be thy lot
Wherever thou may be
And joy and pleasure light the space
That may be home to thee
Sept 24 1885
Dear Clara
In this album where are written
Various thoughts from different pens
Causing you to keep in memory
Those regarded as your friend
I this token of my friendship
Leave for you to think of me
When these pages you are turning
And these lines you chance to see
Truly your friend

Warwick Kans Aug 15 ’89
Now I lay my pen at rest;
But not the heart within my breast.
Yours in Friendship,
Malissa A Lowther
Dear Teacher Clara
When in some future time
Time these lines you chance to see
Think kindly of the writer who
Will always think of thee
Miss Laura M Noe – Concordia
Cloud Co Kan

Dec 15th 1890
Dear Friend
I would not blot this page, but I would like to make a spot large enough to hold you to the remembrance of a friend.
Your true friend and cousin
Ira E. Plumly
October the 26 1885
O May you my friend be blest with friends selected from the best May Joy and peace be your lot I only ask forget me not.
Mary J. Shrader

Vertical, Left:
Friend Clara:
May the hinges of our friendship never rest.
Horizontal, Right:
Wolf Creek, Kans
June 2, 1886
To Clara,
“Dear friend, O, never from my heart
Shall time thine image blot
Though dreams of other days depart
Thou shalt not be forgot.”
Matie B.

March 27 1884
To Clara
Tis the bold who win the race
Whether for love or gold or name
Tis the true ones always face
Dangers and trials and win a place
A niche in The Temple of fame
Truly Your Friend
Angie Snell
To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die

Dear Clara
Should a cloud ever shadow your way
And find your idols but gilded day
Remember the shadow was given
Lest the sunshine of earth dim the brightness of heaven
Sincerely Yours

Vertical, Left:
Remember the ____
Horizontal, Right:
August the 17 1885
Clara is your name
Single is your status
Happy be the little man
That makes the alteration
Yours truly,
Lida D___le

Concordia Mar 28, 1884
Remember me is all I ask,
But if rememberance be a task, forget me.
Your friend
Mrs. A. A. Chritton

Left, Horizontal:
Friend Clara
A long life, and a happy one,
A tall man, and a jolly one
Like – well – you know who!
Laura M.
Feed taffy when ever you can, but always on the last day of school.
Center, Vertical:
Concordia Sept 1884
Miss Shrader:
Tis useless to languish on sorrow
And grieve for the Joys that are past
There plenty in store for the morrow
As pleasing & bright as the past.
Yours respectfully
Ella Johnston

Miss Clara.
i think of you often
i think of you ever
i think of the happy hours
we have spent together
i remain as ever. D___a
To Clara.

Let us then be up and doing
With a heart for everything.
Still achieving, still pursuing
Learn to labor and to wait. (Longfellow)
Your friend,
Clara E. Healy
Concordia July 21, 1884

Concordia Kansas 19th 1908
On this leaf in memory prest
May my name forever rest.
Max Roberts
As you measure to your neighbor
He will measure back to you.
Truly yours
T. A. Sawhill.
July 22 1884
Notes, Sources, and References:
- Again, a special thank you to John Roberts for sharing this sweet book!
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