Back row: Standing – First person – unidentified. Second person- Gertrude (Broida) Cooper, Third person, Bessie (Green) Broida, Gertrude’s mother. Fourth person- Fannie (Glick) Broida, Joseph Broida’s wife. Fifth and sixth persons unidentified- not from the John Broida family.
One of our readers, and an excellent Broida researcher, asks a question about who the Rogow family is, and how they are related to the Broidas we are researching. Following is an engagement announcement he found in the 27 Jun 1924 issue of The Jewish Criterion from Pittsburgh, PA:
Mrs. Goldie Krieger, of Shermaiv Avenue, North Side, announces the engagement of her daughter, Eva, to I. Rogow, of New Kensington, Pa.
Also, the 30 Sep 1927 issue of The Jewish Criterion states that they have a son named Bernard.
Anyone know more about this family and their connection to the Broidas?
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Family oral history.
2) A special thanks to Jim Whitener for his conversations with Gertrude (Broida) Cooper asking her to identify many of these old photos, and for writing it down and sharing.
Please contact us if you would like a higher resolution image.
Copyright 2013 by Heritage Ramblings Blog and pmm.
And one more note re Broida=Rogow, on the Broida reunion committees in Pittsburgh there were usually always Rogows.
Reunion newsletters are probably where I have seen the name.
Thanks for all the info on the Zalmon/Rogow branch. It clears up a lot of questions, though there are always more ….
One other note re the mystery of Mrs. I Rogow, is that there is a Mrs. Isaac Rogow in the same time period so they are different people.
Many Broida family members have a copy of a family tree that was originally created in 1934. On that tree one can find the Zalmon branch. Zalmon never came to the US, but many of his kids did. One of his kids was Joseph. His last name is not noted on the tree, however his sons are noted as Rogows. If one tracks census information on Joseph Rogow and his descendents it perfectly aligns with the tree info.
I also have a recollection of being told that Rogow=Broida, but I have not found the notes. Further, and for amusement, Augusta “Gussie” Rogow married Nathan Gefsky. Nathan is the son of Ida Karklinksy Broida the daughter of Peter and Dora Karklinsky Broida.
Let me know if you need more.
I know how Rogow=Broida and will post later today. One branch of the Karklinksy family took the name Rogow instead of Broida. I am not sure why, but am looking to learn. But I do know who did it and that they are definitely Karlkinskys.
My Grandmother was Diana Rogow lieberman –
Her parents were Joseph and Molly Rogow. Her brother was Ike was one of 9 siblings .Enjoyed seeing the pictures my mother,her sister &brother are pictured along with all of the Aunts ,Uncles &cousins..We have a long rolled up reunion picture from the Pittsburgh Reunion .