Springsteen Family (Click for Family Tree)
Transcription (so SearchBots can find this):
SUDDEN DEATH.– On Tuesday, the 19th, about half past one o’clock, Mr. John Springsteen, father of Abraham and Jeff. Springsteen, died very suddenly. He was sitting in his chair, conversing with his grand-daughter. He remarked that he felt strange, believed he was going to die, and immediately expired without a struggle. His funeral will take place from the residence of Jefferson Springsteen, 117 Spring street, to-day at 3 o’clock P.M. The friends of the family are invited to attend.

We are unsure where John is buried. There is a stone for “J. Springsteen” in Crown Hill Cemetery, buried between Jefferson Springsteen, who was our John’s son, and George Springsteen, who most likely was the son of John’s son Abraham Springsteen. Crown Hill records state the burial at this stone took place in fall of 1876. Was John buried elsewhere and then reinterred in Crown Hill in the family plot? Or did the cemetery just transpose the last two digits of the date? We will probably never know.
Notes, Sources, and References:
- Appreciate all the help from a few particular Find A Grave volunteers that have taken photos and helped us out in Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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