Beerbower Family (Click for Family Tree)
Bertha Beatrice Beerbower Bare (1876-1950) was quite the world traveler. During the 1920s-late 1930s, she traveled on her own to places around the globe, working as a teacher. We told a bit about Bertha and her family in a previous post, Those Places Thursday: Bertha Beatrice Beerbower and Her World Travels. We have recently received the book, House of Bierbauer. Two Hundred Years of Family History through inter-library loan (ILL) and it contained this delightful description of Bertha’s life, so had to share. Bertha must have had wonderful stories to tell!
[The editors had not really planned to take a summer hiatus, but it appears that is what has happened. There were quite a number of posts queued for publication, but we recently found additional information about the Peters family and wanted to incorporate it, but have not had time yet. Hopefully those posts will be published in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for your patience, and for reading Heritage Ramblings! We hope your summer is going well.]
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) House of Bierbauer. Two Hundred Years of Family History, 1742-1942 compiled by James Culver Bierbower and Charles William Beerbower. Published under the direction of the Beerbower History Committee, 1942.
2) Those Places Thursday: Bertha Beatrice Beerbower and Her World Travels- http://heritageramblings.net/2015/03/19/those-places-thursday-bertha-beatrice-beerbower-and-her-world-travels/
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