Broida Family
The Colorado State Archives was great to work with! I completed their online general request form and submitted it. Within hours I had an email reply from an archivist. She explained the fee structure was $20 for research plus other fees for copies, and listed a phone number. I gave her a call and my credit card number over the phone, and had a copy of the above document in my inbox within about 10 minutes. (She had already pulled the film before she sent the email in order to assess the fees.) She had also looked for any other documents for Sarah G. Frank Broida before sending, but found no others in their finding aids.
This record verifies many items:
1) Address from city directories.
2) Cause of death was tuberculosis.
3) She died in Denver.
4) She was buried in Pittsburgh.
5) The undertaker was I. N. Rogers & Son, and I found her name in the records of the Rogers & Nash Mortuary Records held at the Denver Public Library. We are awaiting their reply for copies.
This record lists her age as 40 at her death on 14 Apr 1901. The 1900 US Federal Census, and JewishGen Online Burial Registry notes her birth as Nov 1859, which would make her 41 at death. Gitel’s granddaughter, Gertrude Broida Cooper, said that she had died at the age of 39 of tuberculosis. These are all close enough for most genealogy, especially since her birth goes so far back, and people did not always keep track of birthdays as we do today.
As one who started my genealogy researching with SASE (self-addressed stamped envelopes) and waiting weeks or months, the turn-around from the State Archives was fabulous!
Notes, Sources, and References:
1) Denver, CO death record for Sarah Gasse Broida, Colorado State Archives. Denver County, Archive Location R90, 14 Apr 1901.
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