Motivation Monday: Correcting Edward B. Payne Internet Errors

Edward B. Payne
Edward B. Payne, c1900 or later?

McMurray Family, Payne Family (Click for Family Tree)

OK, did you chuckle just a little when you read the title of this post? Or did the thought of ‘correcting internet errors’ elicit a loud guffaw??

Yes, me too, but I am SO motivated to take on this task- I hate junk genealogy!!

And yes, I must have a Sisyphus Complex- hopefully without my having the deceitfulness and hubris of the original Greek mythological character.

In this case, it is about Edward B. Payne (affectionately known as EBP in our household), my great genealogical obsession. I would roll a stone uphill to make sure he is remembered correctly. (Well, for a while, anyway, and depending on how big the stone is, how round it is, and how steep the hill, how hot it is outside, and…)

In the excellent “A History of Berkeley, From The Ground Up,” Dr. Frank Payne is mentioned a number of times. He apparently was an early physician in Berkeley, and his name can be found in the Alameda County Voter’s Registration Lists next to the name of Rev. Edward B. Payne. I had wondered how the two were related, but had never researched that particular question in detail. So when I saw that this article stated, in Chapter 14 under “Dwight Way Station”:

“…the Reverend Payne (the brother of Doctor Payne, Berkeley’s erstwhile physician),”

I became very motivated to document the relationship and see if I could get this statement corrected. Despite Edward’s magazine article, “Spectres on the Overland Trail,” which is most likely totally fiction, he did not have a brother who is known to Payne researchers- he only had 2 sisters. One sister died at age 11, and one stayed in the east and married. I have never found any inkling of a second male child in the family.

It turns out that I do have more information about Frank and his family than I realized, plus a few other New England Payne lines. states the relationship of the accountholder to a person in the tree, but what I found was confusing: Frank Howard Payne (1850-1904) was my “brother-in-law of 1st cousin 4x removed.” But WHICH cousin? That would take a lot of time to figure out. Thankfully I have been clicking on all sorts of things on (trusted) websites since a lot of them no longer highlight with a mouse-over to signify a hyperlink, and sometimes good intel results. This time, by clicking on that phrase, Ancestry provided me with a list of people and relationships that were used to determine the connection. Mercy Hitchcock and her husband Peter Payne were thus the common ancestors.

Dr. Frank Howard Payne (1850 – 1904)
brother-in-law of 1st cousin 4x removed
Thomas Hubbard Payne (1807 – 1892)
father of Frank Howard Payne
Emma Estelle Payne (1848 – 1884)
daughter of Thomas Hubbard Payne
Arthur Abbott Payne (1847 – 1903)
husband of Emma Estelle Payne
Alfred Payne (1815 – 1895)
father of Arthur Abbott Payne
Mercy Hitchcock (1783 – 1859)
mother of Alfred Payne
Joseph Hitchcock Payne (1810 – 1884)
son of Mercy Hitchcock
Rev. Edward Biron Payne (1847 – 1923)
son of Joseph Hitchcock Payne
(and so on with his descendants)

(At first it was hard to understand the above chart, but then I realized it is sort of an hourglass, with one family at the top going back generations to the center point, which is the common ancestor. One then follows down the other family line from that ancestor.)

From the helpful chart, I could ascertain the relationship of Frank and Edward.

Mercy Hitchcock + Peter Payne
Alfred Payne
Arthur Abbot Payne + Emma Estelle Payne
Emma Estelle was the daughter of Thomas Hubbard Payne (have not found an older connection between these Payne lines yet); her brother was Dr. Frank Howard Payne.
Mercy Hitchcock + Peter Payne
Joseph Hitchcock Payne [so brother to Alfred]
Rev. Edward B. Payne
So EBP was first cousin to Arthur Abbot, who married Emma. Arthur’s brother-in-law was Emma’s brother, Dr. Frank Howard Payne. Therefore, Edward Biron Payne was 1st cousin to the brother-in-law of Dr. Frank Howard Payne.
I have sent a note to the author and he responded quickly, even though the copyright on this was 2007-8. It is good to have a blog to put out such information too- hoping this post will come up in searches when the website also comes up.
Remember, just because it is on the internet, does not make it ‘actual factual.’ Even my blog posts may not be totally correct, and some have been updated with new information as we find it. So do always remember to trust but verify, especially with secondary sources. (Sometimes that is needed with primary sources, as well.)
Be motivated to try to correct erroneous information- whether in an online tree or a website. Corrections can happen, and our descendants will thank us for avoiding the genealogical confusions we today so often face.

Notes, Sources, and References: 

  1.   “A History of Berkeley, From The Ground Up” copyright 2007-2008 by Alan Cohen, Accessed 3/12/16.
  2. “Spectres on the Overland Trail” in The Overland Monthly, Volume XIV- Second Series, July-December 1889, p654-7, December 1889.,%22&source=bl&ots=JJHvzz85AU&sig=5zRj89fSb3fV0AdBHbOef4ls6m0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiQ8qr3gbzLAhWJ4SYKHSqwCJEQ6AEIHTAA#v=onepage&q=%22Spectre%20on%20the%20Overland%20Trail%2C%22&f=false
  3. censuses, voter registrations, vital records, etc.


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Original content copyright 2013-2016 by Heritage Ramblings Blog and pmm.

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Sentimental Sunday: FANs in the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection

"Chaplin Boys" from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
“Chaplin Boys” from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Roberts Family (Click for Family Tree)

As mentioned in the previous two posts, these images are from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection. Lloyd was a descendant of John Roberts and Jane Salyers Roberts. These people are members of the “FAN Club“- Friends, Associates, and Neighbors,of the Lloyd Roberts family or his ancestors, though they could possibly be family that we do not know how they are related. The relationship was a sentimental one to the Roberts family, since they took the time to put the images in photo albums and have preserved them all these years.

Mr. and Mrs. Evar Elfstrom from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Mr. and Mrs. Evar Elfstrom from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

And now, the rest of the gentlemen:

Charley Bennet from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Charley Bennet from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Emmit Clark from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Emmit Clark from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

"Culberson" from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
“Culberson” from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

J. H. Guthrie from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
J. H. Guthrie from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

"Hanson" from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
“Hanson” from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Harvey Hayworth, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Harvey Hayworth, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Ulysses Hendrickson from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Ulysses Hendrickson from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.


Notes, Sources, and References: 

  1. Images from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection, generously shared by their owner, Jon Roberts. Thanks, Jon!


Please contact us if you would like higher resolution images. Click to enlarge images.

We would love to read your thoughts and comments about this post (see form below), and thank you for your time! All comments are moderated, however, due to the high intelligence and persistence of spammers/hackers who really should be putting their smarts to use for the public good instead of spamming our little blog.

Original content copyright 2013-2016 by Heritage Ramblings Blog and pmm.

Family history is meant to be shared, but the original content of this site may NOT be used for any commercial purposes unless explicit written permission is received from both the blog owner and author. Blogs or websites with ads and/or any income-generating components are included under “commercial purposes,” as are the large genealogy database websites. Sites that republish original content as their own are in violation of copyright as well, and use of full content is not permitted.
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Sorting Saturday: More From the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection

A. Kate Huron, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection
A. Kate Huron, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection

Roberts Family (Click for Family Tree)

We continue with the images from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection, with persons who were Friends, Associates, or Neighbors- as Elizabeth Shown Mills calls them, the “FAN Club.” They could also possibly be cousins, since women usually change their name when they marry, or be distant cousins that sent the family pictures. We do not know how any of these persons are related to the Roberts family.

More of the ladies in the collection:

Eva Hill Clark from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Eva Hill Clark from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Eva Brogle from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Eva Brogle from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Cora Barlow- younger? from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Cora Barlow- younger? from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Cora Barlow from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Cora Barlow from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Myrtle Robertson Anderson from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Myrtle Robertson Anderson from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

These images were all in family photo albums, and it would be interesting to know their relationship to the Roberts family. Please contact us if you are related to any of these ladies!


Notes, Sources, and References: 

  1. Images from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection, generously shared by their owner, Jon Roberts. Thanks, Jon!


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We would love to read your thoughts and comments about this post (see form below), and thank you for your time! All comments are moderated, however, due to the high intelligence and persistence of spammers/hackers who really should be putting their smarts to use for the public good instead of spamming our little blog.

Original content copyright 2013-2016 by Heritage Ramblings Blog and pmm.

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Please contact us if you have any questions about copyright of our blog material.

Family Friends Friday: From the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection

Cedora Liewellan, from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Cedora Liewellan, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Roberts Family (Click for Family Tree)

Marion Matthews, from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Marion Matthews, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Adda Griffin Neal, from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Adda Griffin Neal, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Opal & Lynn (no surname given), from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Opal & Lynn (no surname given), from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Joe B Scott, from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Joe B. Scott, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

John W Scott, from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection.
John W. Scott, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

J A Steele, from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection.
J. A. Steele, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Anna Taylor, from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Anna Taylor, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Charles White, from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection
Charles White, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection

Mignon & Ruth White, from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Mignon & Ruth White, from the Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection.

Are any of these persons a part of your family? Please contact us through the blog contact form or a comment on this post if so.


Notes, Sources, and References: 

  1. Lloyd Roberts Family Photo Collection, formerly called the ‘William Roberts Family Photo Collection. This collection is of descendants of William Roberts, but was passed down by Lloyd Roberts.


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We would love to read your thoughts and comments about this post (see form below), and thank you for your time! All comments are moderated, however, due to the high intelligence and persistence of spammers/hackers who really should be putting their smarts to use for the public good instead of spamming our little blog.

Original content copyright 2013-2015 by Heritage Ramblings Blog and pmm.

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Mystery Monday: Who is with Clara Shrader Roberts?

Clara Shrader and Eva Bennet, from the William Roberts Family Photo Album.
Clara Shrader and Eva Bennett, from the William Roberts Family Photo Album.

Roberts Family (Click for Family Tree)

Thankfully someone noted the names of these two lovely ladies on this photo. We know that Clara Shrader married Isaac Henry Roberts, the son of William Roberts and Sarah (Christie) Roberts. The mystery is Eva Bennett.

Clara’s mother was Mary Ann (Bennett) Shrader. Could Eva be Mary Ann’s sister, and therefore Clara’s aunt? They look to be of similar ages, though it was possible within large families for young aunts and uncles to happen.

Another possibility is that since Eva’s last name is Bennett, she could be the daughter of a brother of Mary Ann (Bennett) Schrader. That would make Clara and Eva first cousins.

Finding siblings of Mary Ann Bennett has been unsuccessful thus far. Her parents were Harry Bennett and Elizabeth Basone per Mary Ann’s death certificate.

Just to add to the mystery, here is another photo that was in with the family collection. It is labeled, thankfully.

Charley Bennett, from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection.
Charley Bennett, from the William Roberts Family Photo Collection.

If you know any more than this small amount about Eva Bennett, Charley Bennett, or Mary Ann (Bennett) Shrader, please contact us using our form or leave a comment.


Notes, Sources, and References: 

  1. William Roberts Family Photo Album.


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We would love to read your thoughts and comments about this post (see form below), and thank you for your time! All comments are moderated, however, due to the high intelligence and persistence of spammers/hackers who really should be putting their smarts to use for the public good instead of spamming our little blog.

Original content copyright 2013-2015 by Heritage Ramblings Blog and pmm.

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