Family Recipe Friday: Helen (Cooper) Lee’s Cinnamon Rolls

Helen (Cooper) Lee, 1977.

Cooper Family, Broida Family (Click for Family Tree)

Helen (Cooper) Lee was a wonderful cook. She loved cooking for family and big get-togethers at their beautiful contemporary home, designed by her architect husband, Bob Lee. This picture shows her in the lovely galley kitchen in their home that was in Jefferson City, Missouri.

Helen was an accomplished Chinese cook, as well as with all the popular foods of the 1950s, 60s, 70s… One of the family favorites was her cinnamon rolls. She made a yeast dough and then rolled it up with sugar, cinnamon, nuts, and raisins. Because her mother, Gertrude (Broida) Cooper, did not like raisins (a woman after my own heart!), Helen made two batches- one without raisins, and another, larger batch, with them. A powdered sugar glaze was swirled over the rolls after they had cooled a bit. Seems she always made small rolls, not like the big ones purchased at malls. The rationale was that one could control their portion size- or at least not feel as guilty eating 2 or 3 or 4, because they were small. Sometimes quantity is more satisfying than size… but the quality was always there.

The following is the recipe written in Helen’s own hand, about 1981.

The recipe starts with ‘cakes’ of yeast, which are hard to find these days as they are so perishable and few people use them. An equivalent is 4-1/2 teaspoons of dry yeast. Make sure to follow the directions on the yeast package for the temperature of the water to be used, or the yeast will not “bloom” (grow) properly. The “pinch of sugar” is added to the water with the yeast as it is food for the microorganisms.

In case it is not clear to modern cooks, the sticks of butter are put in with the milk when it is scalded. One could instead use reconstituted powdered milk rather than scalding liquid milk (and having a messy pan to clean), as the processing causes it to no longer have the enzymes that destroy yeast. Use 2/3 cups of non-fat dry milk (NFDM) plus a scant 2 cups of water to equal the milk called for in this recipe, and mix well. Make sure the water is not too cold, or it may slow (or stop!) the yeast from making the dough rise well. The butter would be melted separately and slightly cooled before adding in at the same time as the milk in the updated recipe.

Helen (Cooper) Lee’s Basic Sweet Roll Recipe

Yummm- these may need to be on the menu for this weekend! Sure wish Helen could be here to share.

Notes, Sources, and References: 

  1. Family Treasure Chest for photo and recipe.
  2. Learn more about recipe conversion and baking with yeast at the Red Star Yeast website,


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Travel Tuesday: S. A. Broida, Buyer in NYC

S. A. Broida’s arrival in New York City as a buyer for Broida Brother Jobbing Company in St. Louis, Missouri. The New York Times, January 28, 1917, Vol. 66, No. 21,554, Page 31.

Broida Family (Click for Family Tree)

Buyers have long traveled to New York City, the capital of fashion, home decor, and other products. Due to its ports it offered a wide variety of goods, and buyers would make the pilgrimage by train or airplane in order to learn the latest styles and to place orders so they could provide the latest to their customers.

These notices were actually provided to the paper by the buyers themselves, so we can be reasonably sure about their accuracy. The entries tell us the city, name of the company/store, buyer’s name, what items the buyer was interested in, and even the NY hotel they were staying in! (In the above case, it was the Broadway Central.) Wholesalers could easily contact the buyers with this information available.

Directly below this listing was “Buyers’ Wants,” which included “cotton goods” and “SILKS Wanted.” Below that, “Offerings to Buyers” were such items as “1,200 Oxford Gray Camp” blankets, as well as help wanted ads for ‘buyers of silks and dress goods,’ a manager for a knitting mill, salesmen, dictaphone operators and stenographers, etc. Wholesale beer was big business in NYC, and still is!

S. A. Broida’s arrival in New York City as a buyer for Broida Brother Jobbing Company in St. Louis, Missouri. The New York Times, June 1, 1919, Vol. 68, No. 22,408, page 31.

Buyers generally made 1-2 trips per year to NYC.

It is interesting to look at other headlines in the papers at the time, to see what was happening in the world and in the US, as well as to see the ads for various clothing items and home fashions.

In the 1917 paper, for instance, one headline on the front page was, “England Moves to Block Egress of Enemy Ships into North Sea”- this of course refers to World War I, which the US would not get involved in until April of that year. Another headline stated “Pershing Retiring; Villistas Advance.” Brigadier General John J. Pershing had taken troops to Mexico to capture Pancho Villa, a Mexican revolutionary who commanded forces that murdered 16 American Nationals, then crossed into the United States and attacked Columbus, New Mexico and the Army Camp there.

Some things never change: “House in Debate on Revenue Bill…Fight Opens the Week.” Other headlines show us how far we have come, such as “Mrs. Byrne Now Fed by Force; Birth-Control Prisoner, Near Collapse, Revives After Food is Administered.” Mrs. Ethel Byrne was in the workhouse serving a sentence for her protest, had gone on a hunger strike, and was force-fed. At this time 100 years ago, women did not have the right to vote and this was happening to those who protested the inequality, however Mrs. Byrne’s transgression was insisting that women should have control over when they got pregnant. Mrs. Bryne’s sister was the more famous birth-control advocate, Mrs. Margaret Sanger.

People still wanted the newest styles for themselves, their families, and  their homes despite the latest news. Buyers like Sam Broida, of Broida Brothers Jobbing Company, worked hard to provide the nicest products for the customers of their St. Louis store.


Notes, Sources, and References: 

  1. See captions.


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All because two people fell in love… Part 2

Ed and Mary (Helbling) McMurray, 26 Sep 1948, in Newton, Iowa.

, Cooper Family (Click for Family Tree)

Three years ago today I posted some images along with lyrics from Brad Paisley’s song, “Two People Fell in Love.” Seemed like that was just not enough pictures of our ancestors who fell in love, so we decided to provide Part 2 and make it a series, as wonderful pictures become available.

Of course, the secret to a good marriage is making every day a day to celebrate your love, not just a day in the midst of February. Our ancestors probably struggled with this concept like we sometimes do, especially when the mundane gotta-dos of life get in the way. Many of them had long, loving marriages though, and they were good role models for their descendants of today.

Please enjoy these lovely people on this Valentine’s Day of 2018 !

1940- from left Ruth Nadine (Alexander) Lee, Henrietta (Fasterling) Reuter, a friend, in center, and Ruth’s husband, Lloyd Eugene “Gene” Lee on right with 1940 Pontiac, license plate from Missouri but image likely taken in Colorado.


McMurray-Benjamin Family circa 1886: Frederick Asbury McMurray, Hannah "Melissa" Benjamin McMurray, William Elmer McMurray, Harry J. McMurray, Addie Belle McMurray, Roy McMurray, and Ray McMurray (baby)
McMurray-Benjamin Family circa 1886: Frederick Asbury McMurray, Hannah “Melissa” Benjamin McMurray, William Elmer McMurray, Harry J. McMurray, Addie Belle McMurray, Roy McMurray, and Ray McMurray (baby)


1974_02_40th Wedding Anniversary of Gertrude Belle (Broida) Cooper and Irving Israel Cooper.


George Anthony Roberts with his wife Ella V. Daniel Roberts and their three children: Ethel Gay Roberts standing in back on left, George Anthony Roberts, Jr. standing on right, and little Edith Mae Roberts between her beloved parents, circa 1904.
George Anthony Roberts with his wife Ella V. Daniel Roberts and their three children: Ethel Gay Roberts standing in back on left, George Anthony Roberts, Jr. standing on right, and little Edith Mae Roberts between her beloved parents, circa 1904.


William Anderson Murrell and Cordelia (Talley) Murrell- possibly wedding photo? If so, would have been taken 1 Oct 1867 in Warren Co., IL.


John and Gitel (Frank) Broida, c. 1889.



Notes, Sources, and References: 

  1. “All because two people fell in love” post, 14 Feb 2015–
  2. “Two People Fell in Love,” song by Brad Paisley- see above article for more information.


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Those Places Thursday: J.S. Broida’s 1910 Home in Parkersburg, West Virginia

Home of J. S. Broida, 1318 Avery St., Parkersburg, WV, via GoogleMaps.

Broida Family

It is interesting to see the homes of our ancestors, and today’s technology allows us to do that even when we live far away. (We can even see people renovating the yard!)

Google Maps is the first place that comes up when one enters the address on Google; often additional information will be linked as well. In this case, however, a search for “J. S. Broida Parkersburg WV” came up with the application for the Avery St. Historic District, which described the home, and then Google was the next place to look.

J. S. Broida home in Parkersburg, WV, listed as part of a proposed historic district. National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination Form, OMB No. 1024-0018, page 9.

It is great to see the home and neighborhood being renovated in the GoogleMaps image (in April of 2012), and then to read a bit about the house as it was originally. Not too much has changed on the house as one can see by comparing the description for the neighboring home that was almost identical originally.

The above inventory listing tells us a bit about J.S. Broida, including the name of his partnership. More research could tell us if the oil producer G.E. Gilmore was living next door at the time the Broidas lived at 1318 Avery St.

Other websites like can tell us a bit about the house itself, today. The house has just over 2,000 square feet per Zillow, divided into 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. It may have only had one bath when it was built in 1907, and possibly less square footage, if someone has added on in the ensuing 110 years.

The 1910 US Federal Census lists the family in this home, so they may have been one of the first owners, since it was built in 1907. By 1918, when J.S. registered for the WWI draft, they had moved to 518 Thirteenth St. More research, such as city directories and deeds can help us determine the actual years the family lived in the home.


Notes, Sources, and References: 

  1. Google Maps image–,+Parkersburg,+WV+26101/@39.2724381,-81.5513084,3a,75y,102.05h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUbRZbPNvbBiyyv52ZXUlMQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x88484b7a869fe8dd:0xdfbf799c54d99ad5!8m2!3d39.2724039!4d-81.5510757
  2. Avery St Historic District Application–
  3. Zillow information–


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Tuesday’s Tip: Even Modern Publications May Have Relevant Genealogical Information!

“Broida Building” mentioned in “101 Unique Places to Dine in West Virginia.”

Broida Family

Tuesday’s Tip: Even Modern Publications May Have Relevant Genealogical Information!

Google is good- always amazes me at what a search can find on the astounding internet. A recent search that included the terms Broida, Parkersburg, and WV, found the pamphlet “”101 Unique Places to Dine in West Virginia.” I almost dismissed it as being too modern, but then decided to take a minute to check it out, since Google is seldom (never?) wrong. Sure enough, the Broida Building was listed as the location for a unique food and drink emporium, and it even mentioned that the building was built in the 1920s and housed a store for “fine women’s fashion.” This would have been “Broida’s,” owned by J. S. Broida, and with another store in Parkersburg, West Virginia, about 75 miles west.

Quite an unexpected find in a modern-day flyer!

Notes, Sources, and References: 

  1. “101 Unique Places to Dine in West Virginia,” via

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